Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Moorpark Train Station Location

On location right now, looking at what could possibly be the most perfect place to shoot my short film. Now the rub...PERMITS!! Fees!! Bureaucracy. Gotta love filming in California.

Yes it's an abandoned site. So guess what? Building inspectors, fire, safety garbage, OSHA, insurance, insurance for insurance. Now who actually owns the building? CalTrans? Nope. The city does. The city can do a lot. What it may not be able to do is to allow me to shoot there,'s not safe. I get it, we're all sue happy assholes. My fellow filmmakers ruined it for all. The other thing city hall told me...which consists of 4 people that I saw, by the way...they don't even know what to do with the building. Maybe demolish. Before anyone has a chance to preserve to film. I love it.

It made me think of a joke someone told one time about making a movie about just two people sitting in their living room having a chat. Then have the other person be a mannequin (cue Starship "Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now"). Fire retardant, of course.

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