"Our goal is to create a safe and engaging place for users to connect over interests and passions. In order to improve our community experience, we are temporarily suspending article commenting. In the meantime, we welcome your feedback to help us enhance the experience."
Do you even spend time on Yahoo? Maybe not. Most of my outrage does come from their stories because they are sickening Lefty biased. Perhaps that's where my disgust lies.
HOWEVER, do you realize Yahoo commenting isn't the first time this was a thing?
Back in early 2000's there was a site called Answerology where people could ask questions and you could get answers. The commenting was a very interactive site where people created personas and could pick photos/avatars to represent themselves. Sort of like how Facebook is now. Facebook wasn't even necessarily this since it was meant to connect friends and family and that was a about it. The thing with Answerology was that you couldn't start businesses, become an "influencer" or pimp out your wares. It was a very early start to narcissism. I got caught up in it and even met someone online there. Man, that was even before online dating was a big thing.
The thing with Answerology was that there was also a lot of drama. People bickered about everything. I got completely engaged in the debates. Sometimes angry, sometimes sad, but mostly, it was a secret family we all had. Sad, lonely people. I suspect Yahoo is similar. There isn't a day where you don't read people commenting. Most of them are rude. But it was a place to vent. Like my bigotry is allowed to surface there. Or here. Which brings me to my point...
...Yahoo can obviously do whatever it likes. As it's coming closer and closer to the election, it's obvious a part of their shutdown is so that they can push Democrat agenda. They are severely left leaning. And the comments tended to shut that shit down. BUT, if you read an article and you disagree with them...start a blog and discuss it on your own page. I think that's the perfect solution to let you vent. I do it. And it is satisfying. Although not as satisfying as talking direct shit to people almost in real time. But there are no "likes" when you do something like this. IF your opinion gathers traction and you are of importance (or gain it, I am definitely not that person) then people will read it. And if the opinion is "radical enough" you will gather traction as well. If anything, it's a good opportunity to expand your comments.
Personally, it is somewhat sickening that they are a news aggregate that had been created to have differing opinions (unless of course, you don't agree with theirs). But I think there are plenty of better places to vent at this point. Or get information out. I suspect this will cause a large rift in the Right, which has been mostly silenced under this moratorium.
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