Saturday, July 25, 2020

Leaving Hollywood

A few of my friends have cashed out of Hollywood and thus leaving that part of their dreams behind. Though my first inclination is to lecture them about how to be fiscally responsible, as most of us are irresponsible children, the other half makes me envy their departure. In some ways...

Hollywood isn't what is it anymore. And the people responsible for ruining it won't take responsibility. The young(er) woke dick bags and old Lefty hags like Bette Midler and Barbara Streisand, believe their influence continues to work. Nope. The younger people don't know who you are and therefore think you are too old ugly women who should be grateful they got their young ugly faces in front of the camera at all. Specifically Babs Streisand who someone once put a compilation of her cringe worthy moments of her co-stars telling her how beautiful she is. I mean...spit take laughter.

But their ugliness aside, it's their inability to bend from their far Lefty views. At this point there is no monster to conquer so they aim at President Trump. That's gotta burn, because fellow ugly Lefty hag Hillary lost. And they still cannot accept this. While true, most Conservatives couldn't accept the half-jive Obama being elected President, their constituents didn't burn or loot any businesses to prove that point. Encouraged by these ugly hags. Cackling, as I'd imagine. Can't you just see Hill enjoying watching cities burn and Trump squirm because of it. Sorry to rain on her parade but he's got the military behind him and any homo Democrat city doesn't need to give him permission to fuck your world up. Mayors and Governors do not own their state. Best remember that.

Any way, the people who are leaving Hollywood, to be honest there is no more Hollywood. The tradition of Hollywood is unfortunately dead. Because these rituals are often seen as...not politically correct with exclusion to many. They can't win. And they don't have the courage to stand with people who can share their opinion without being Leftist degenerates. They believe they're still on the Crusade, and though shit fag media is going to paint this out to be the legacy of Trump, it truly is the biggest temper tantrum the Left ever exhibited. I laugh and spit on their exhibition of theater. Specifically Ol' Roast Beef Spread in Portland known as Athena of Portland or whatever her snatch barked out. You are silly. Society laughs because you are desperate for this attention. Get over yourself. Did it change anything? Probably instructed the fed troops to aim at her bullseye next time.

But, look, regardless of anyone leaving this industry or city, you will find the ease of making things elsewhere. I cannot warn you morons enough. This is not the town for people who cannot figure things out. OR listen to experience. I'm bashing my head against a wall attempting to guide certain people through and they won't listen. Or think I'm silly. If YOU CAN'T LISTEN YOU WILL FAIL. And work. You also need to work hard.

But as I said, does it matter? Unless you like the Hollywood now, you've failed. If the Hollywood you think sucks, then go back to your hometown and make your own Hollywood. But make them good. Forget this garbage town that stifles free thinking.

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