Monday, July 20, 2020

Covid Diet

If you ever went to college, you've heard for the Freshman 15. Means you gain that much weight when you are not monitored by your parents. Due to partying and eating crap and sitting all day long. And also because college cafeteria food is (or was, in my era) all about salt and fat and whatever is delicious and a lot of it. My university had a buffet. Yeah. BIG TROUBLE.

Okay, many of you are stuck inside, or with no place to go, so you sit around and eat crap all day.
Yeah, me too.
It's been said by many people before, but the easiest way to combat poor diet is to have healthy snacks at hand. I have a bag of carrots, which seems to satiate the crushing hunger. Though, be sure to regulate and check if it does squash your hunger to have it spring back 1000 fold. That's one of the biggest things I have to be on alert for. Because, at work, it's fries burger and some chicken tenders. Strangely enough I get really disciplined when I'm not at home. I think because the options are there.

Also, break you habit. For instance, there are plenty of fast food restaurants on the way to work. I choose to go a different route to avoid most of them. And eat my carrot sticks. I know, not fun. But my family has a history of high cholesterol and that means heart disease. So must be careful. Again, regulate to keep yourself satiated (I'm saying this to myself).

I also recently got a really nice protein shake shaker. The health store I get my vitamins from give it away for free. It's great because it has a filter on top. This is when I blend kale and apples and they turn to liquid. So the filter catches it. My protein shake is now...whey protein, creatine, zinc, siberian ginseng, and whatever vegetables I have on hand. It's surprisingly delicious. Especially with the kale.

Deep fried foods get me all the fucking time. I love fried chicken. Chicken wings...fries and so forth. Though the repercussions of eating it rear its head around the afternoon and it's ruthless. I mean, queasy and tired. I need to clean that up.
Also I need to walk or run more.
I've never been that focused on cardio, but I think the older I get the less weight training appeals to me. The thing about weight and how it holds on you isn't through your own eyes, it's through people you haven't seen in a while. The checkout lady at my grocery store mentioned I looked slimmer. Yeah, she's probably being nice, but there are other things to say. To me, this is the step in the right direction. Though, we shouldn't all have to be regulated by someone we see every few months, there is something to be said to reconnect with someone you haven't seen in a while and them telling you if your diet works or not. Typically a drastic change will trigger this response. Either way, drop the Covid weight, because according to the guy with the stethoscope, it is what the virus attaches itself to. Your fat.
Get off energy drinks too. I sometimes get bamboozled by things like Monster energy that has the vitamins listed around the lip of the drink. I think that it's healthy. It most definitely isn't if it's buried in sugar. Regardless of the label, it's processed sugar. And carbonated to make you think something else. A co-worker of mine died in his early 60's because all he would drink are Monster energy drinks (cases of it were found when he passed away) and also eating microwave pizza. He was a kid to the end. Anyway, drink half a can if you must. Otherwise, stay clear. Find energy elsewhere.

Get out into the sun and soak in some vitamin D. Seriously, it does wonders (though it also feels like shit when you have to come back inside). Enjoy the quiet and freedom while you can. And stay off social media. I suspect much of our new obesity will come from stress and anger.

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