Last night, after some frustrating hours at work fighting with a mentally ill engineer (they're all mentally ill), I was met with a wave of fucking humanity in the form of protesters on Hollywood Boulevard. On a Sunday night.
Motherfuckers, get the fuck out of the fucking street and let traffic by. I saw a bunch a cops, who were useless, as usual. Unless they find your stolen car and give it over to the impound yard so you can pay for it to be released. Essentially paying their kickback to get your stolen car back. Yeah, idiots. They know this because criminals don't pay. They steal. And they steal from you. But Hollywood weirdos support this fucking stupid cause. Yes, it's stupid, because you relied on the police to keep law and order and call to defund them.
Hot girls who attend these things, want to be seen. Don't be a fool. And they are hot. No doubt. But they're also REALLY dumb because they don't see the repercussions of what they are saying. IF I were to rape and beat them, how long do you think it would take a de-funded police force to arrive? short sighted. And not that you have to live in fear. But have some fucking common sense. They already show up late, in your case, they may not even care at all.
Look movies do have a small window to our society..."RoboCop" showed us a privatized police force becomes fascist. And lives are truly a commodity for dark humor. In that case, when the police strike occurred, the city went into the toilet. No surprise it was Detroit. And still is.
We are shown many examples of how this goes down and out. We are also shown scenarios that may happen. If we're to believe movies like "Idiocracy" why not these flicks.
Yet, people are still dumb enough to vote for the Left. They run these chaotic cities, folks. Can you blame them to pandering to the animals? They have to stay in power somehow.
My biggest concern, is reading about the young people who support a defunded police or all these other insane set ups. They don't think it through. Which I didn't when I was that age. When I was that age...I thought the same. Police did something bad...let's gut it. That's dumb and childish looking back. The reality is that justice takes a long time to get to. The outrage culture has somehow overtaken common sense. Maybe social media has a hand in that.
To me, I am getting older and I don't make drastic changes anymore. I embrace change but NOT ones that risk safety to society.
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