Saturday, June 13, 2020

"Gone With The Wind" Is Racist?

So, HBO Max made a stir in the community when it pulled "Gone With The Wind" to put a disclaimer on the flick...because it is, to some, portrayed as racist.

What the fuck is wrong with you social justice retards?
I've heard this from so-called "educated" Lefties, who most likely studied at a film school in the city. Fucking idiots. It's a culturally significant film made OF ITS ERA. Meaning, you should be impressed producer David O. Selznick even considered squashing a lot of the so-called slavery racist story to focus on the REAL FUCKING STORY. To you retards on the crying is about a STRONG WOMAN. Yes, morons, it is a feminist story. Not everything is about slavery or how Blacks were screwed over by America. It is about a woman who was determined to succeed. Even using WHITE prisoners in her labor camp. In fact, if you actually watched the film you would see how the slaves worked. That they were part of the family, HOWEVER, lines were still drawn. In a scene Rhett Butler actually leans on Mammy (Hattie MacDaniel) for comfort. The fuck were you suppose to show, whipping Black people from reel to reel. It didn't celebrate slavery. Jesus Christ, people are dumb sheep.
And if we are about history, why not talk about how Democrats were a slave idea. Oh, but you argue, the Southern Dems turned to Republican after the war. Yeah, but you destroy that history, but riot to preserve the history that admonishes those you don't agree with. Get the hypocrisy yet?

Here's the's also a fucking movie. Remember that phrase when I told you how much the Marvel movies sucked balls? Now the Lefties tell me this constantly. It's just a movie. Okay, "Gone With The Wind" is just a movie. So choke on it.

It is a fucking feminist movie. And no one is talking about that. Because Black and being Black woke is overshadowing EVERYTHING. And now no one can be offensive. Except Dave Chappelle, who said you shouldn't even kill George Floyd if he kicked Candace Owens in her "stanky pussy." No one is saying that is offensive to..feminism? Why? Because other things she doesn't agree with you on? She's also Black so you call her an Uncle Tom?
The Left and these social justice nitwits are getting this stupid attention. And most of us really need to speak up about it. But it seems the stream roller has started and people are too afraid to speak up because their job is jeopardized over it.
So fucking dumb.

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