Monday, May 18, 2020


Okay, okay...
If you've read through some of my post, you can see some of my grammar is terrible. Or that I leave words out.
English is my second language. And I type as I think. Mental vomit, remember.

I wish I was MORE of a stickler for grammar. It does bother me when people make the same mistakes I do. "Your" or "You're" grates on me. And I read through my old blogs and saw that a few times. I could correct them, but...I dunno...also lazy. Seems to be etched in times, my urgency to relay my thoughts. The one that is most baffling is dropping the "y" in "they." I have no idea why I do this, and I see it a lot in other people's writings as well. I think they think they typed it out. Or we're in that vowel mental exercise rhyme "except y" thing. Maybe. I don't know.
But also, the more people use text shortcuts the worse our spelling is going to be. "Wud u cum 2 my part-T" I suggest you extend your texting language, if not to confuse people "Would you like to attend my soiree?"

I didn't notice it before, but you probably will if you listen to your own speech patterns, but I say some really dumb things aloud. My college girlfriend pointed it out without being rude. I would say words like "badly" or use the same word to describe the same action (like Marge Simpson, "I am so scared and frightened") Yeah, scared and frightened and terrified are the same thing (essentially). That annoys me when I hear it. Luckily most people filter it out.

I notice a LOT of people do that, actually. Also, tagging words at the end like I just did with "actually." It's funny but annoying.

Maybe that's why when people meet in person versus through texting they seem like idiots. We can formulate our words properly online but in person, it's hard to sound intelligent.

My biggest pet peeve with grammar, that I do a LOT, is using words improperly. There's a scene in "The Program" where Halle Berry tells a football player that if he uses big words to sound smart but in the wrong context, if makes them look stupid. That's me. I do this a LOT. And I have to be aware of it.

So, please do your best to learn better grammar. I will try my best too. Though I don't proofread any of this shit. Because I keep it real.
Not really...just if I re-read my writing I may really vomit.

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