Thursday, May 21, 2020


I sincerely hope that every blog I write about your chances to make it in this business isn't going to detract you from pursuing it.
Quite frankly, you're no use any where else. Probably why you chose this profession. Simply because this was better than work the public does. Who wants to check the gas meters? Or crunches numbers? Or be a plumber?

Funny thing, most people here do those jobs waiting to get into the movie industry.

The industry also doesn't need you. don't need the industry. The issue is how you go towards your goals. Most people are pretty damn inconsistent and lazy. They think it comes to them if they blind send things out. I tried that. NEVER worked. What works is making contacts, talking about what is going on in their lives and finding ways to survive. Preferably somewhere near the department you want to be in. Again, there are no set rules.
A lot of people spin their wheels in this town. I mean A LOT. They have no plan (should you, really?) and they just throw things at a board until something sticks (I did). I see that in EVERY newbie. My suggestion, keep moving forward on something YOU are interested in.

I recall meeting an actor who was 2 years living in L.A. Completely fresh. He was brutally cynical without a single minute on a professional set. Not sure where he picked it up (coming from Iowa). But he was...well, he pretty much auditioned himself. And you can tell he was a "serious actor" but he was also obnoxiously arrogant. Not in his talents, but because he always spouted what "the business" wants.

You can say what "the business" wants forever, truth: YOU are what the business wants and they don't even know it. If you follow a trend, you're fucked. Like, don't be a White guy who raps because Eminem was a thing at one point. He became not a thing. And then, sort of a thing. He wasn't the first, isn't going to be the last (remember Vanilla Ice?). It is just timing. And why chase that?

To do have to survive somehow. Time and patience. There are unfortunate stories of young actors who came to L.A. and became popular overnight. Which does happen. But this is not something you should be depressed about if it doesn't happen for you. Instead, keep doing whatever you can to keep doing whatever you can. Because this is better than a steady job...right?

Yes, we built this town on dreams. Though, a few years into it, you have to face some reality. That one or two projects isn't going to make you a star. It's nice if you did get something, and be grateful and also accept that people are happy for you. The minute you shrug off praise, you're not doing yourself any favors.
Also, lose as many distractions as possible. Things that make you lazy. Drugs, alcohol, women, men...whatever takes you away from the pursuit of a career (not gig or job or whatever) IT IS A CAREER.
Steel yourself, and know you are not alone.

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