Sunday, August 12, 2018

Out Of Towner Hollywood

It took me this long to figure out why people want to come to Los Angeles to pursue their entertainment careers.

Wait, let me backtrack a bit...
There are a TON of people outside of Los Angeles who have made amazing films in their hometown. Ingenuity and passion created something. A TON of talent out there. "So why the fuck are you coming to Hollywood?!" I harangue openly. The bizarre thing...they've already made great films anywhere else. As you've read in my previous blogs (if you have), I repeatedly say how you can make movies anywhere, don't come to Hollywood. They look at me puzzled. I can't read their thoughts but I bet it's like when you tell a child you can't have candy.
Listen, fuckwads, you made something 80% of this town can't do. You made a movie in Po-Dunk, U.S.A. To come here, you are starting back at zero and you'll be repeatedly shat on (literally and figuratively).
Then it dawned on me...
...the point for them to come to Hollywood...
... to conquer this town and prove you're the best.
See, in Po-Dunk, U.S.A. everyone IS supportive of them. Friends and family are excited that they went out and made something, but like a hot girl who gets complimented hourly, it gets old and you start hearing the same thing. To many movie-makers saying that you made it in Hollywood is something to brag about. Means you share the same Earth air as celebrities and you made a big slash in a big pond. Versus, massive shark in a puddle of water.
That's why. Wow, it never dawned on me why the industry never fully interested me. Because my hometown could care less.

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