Sunday, August 13, 2017

White Privilege...Again

If we're being honest about race relations, let's be honest as we can here...
When we speak of White privilege it is predominantly the privilege of not being Black or Mexican. These two...EXACTLY. In my field of work, they LOVE Asians because we're perceived to be intelligent with science. But I don't go around talking about Jewish privilege because of the fact they don't consider me a writer (or maybe I do, but it's just me, the rest of my Asian brethren don't give a fuck, because they're uninteresting science nerds).

So White Privilege to Blacks and Mexicans stems from being picked on by Whitey and never getting a fair shake. This is victimizing these people. people are worse than Hitler. The reason Asians and Indians survived in America...and yes, it is a privilege in my mind to be here, is because assimilation meant you could get a comfortable life if you bend your culture into the one that is your adopted country (I can't believe I have to explain this again). White privilege assumes you are born into wealth. Immediately OR that you aren't seen as a criminal. Or that people won't shoot you. That is if you don't do stupid shit. I've seen plenty of White idiots do stupid things and get put down. But that's never in the media. But many would say "well, that's a small percentage." So are people who claim racist cops. Trust me, my first inclination to being pulled over is "of fuck, I'm a brown person." Then the reality kicks in that I can't for a minute give the police any reason to pull their gun. Maybe what should be addressed is the culture that would have some attitude when pulled over. Many millions of Blacks and Mexicans have survived a police encounter by simply being polite. Yet, because this fucking media wants a victim and our dumbasses will read it...we're at a horrible place.

I'm not entirely sure how White privilege played a part in Charlottesville, Virginia's protest yesterday. Which by the way counter-protesting shitbags...if a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it, no one gives a flying fuck. Man are counter-protesters stupid. You basically gave them THEIR audience AND their own.
Incidentally, in regards to White privilege. I have tons of White friends who are ridiculously privileged...born rich. Some acted dumb. One died. A lot obviously didn't know the plight of the inner city. Most didn't care. Is this privilege? Maybe. Being street smart has its advantages. But also taking a "scared un-privileged" trip to inner cities to see what real struggle is isn't the brightest idea either. That's a short I'm willing to watch. Here's the pitch:

Dad to 9 year old son and 7 year old daughter: Good morning, Hubert Jr. and Molly, time to go to the ghetto. You guys buckled up?
Kids (in unison): Yay!

The minivan travels on the freeway. As the road gets towards downtown the roads get worse, and there's an inexplicable cloud forming.
Like "Jurassic Park" what looks like people crawl out from alleyways and corners eyeballing the White family in the van.

Dad: see, kids...this is the dumpster. Remember that people don't have it as great as you.
The kids move closer to one another.
Molly: Daddy, is that guy vomiting on himself?
Dad: Yes, Molly. See, we have privilege. It makes us feel a level of...shame.
Hubert Jr.: You mean that man has no shame?
Dad: Well, son, it means his environment depleted him of shame.

They drive on, passing prostitutes. The kids eyes grow larger.
Hubert Jr.: What can we do NOT to be like them?
Dad: That's not the point Hubert Jr. It's that we were born this way. And they were born that way. See we acknowledge we have it better. Right?
Kids together: Yay!
Molly (sours): Well is there any way to make they can have what we have?
Dad: Oh Molly! God no. This is our privilege that they shouldn't want. If they wanted what we had, they would have to change their behavior and attitude. They don't want to do that!"

The mini-van pulls out from the ghetto and off into sunnier skies.

Does White privilege prevail in suburbia? Maybe. Black families getting harassed? In the 1980's maybe. The evolution has never taken with Black or Mexicans (on the whole). Instead, we victimize and extend charity. Which never works.

People really have to acknowledge we are ALL privileged to be in America and make America better for everyone. The reality is that the true racist CONSTANTLY label things to showcase how charitable they are. And what is the solution...daily confessions to your darker skin neighbor you have it better than others? Give away half your wealth to the ghetto. If anyone ever sauntered around the tough neighborhoods or walked around, you would say, the ghetto has it's own infrastructure that some people can exist in and thrive and be happy. Our perception of "White privilege" is based on things White people would want and brown and black people want. This is the true racist thought.

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