Thursday, August 17, 2017

Starbucks Sucks BuckStars

I dried my hair under the blow-hard hot air this shitbag was spewing:
“I come to you as an American, as a Jew, as a parent, as a grandparent, as an almost 40-year partner of a company I love so dearly,” Schultz said to employees. “I come to you with profound, profound concern about the lack of character, morality, humanity and what this might mean for young children and young generations that are growing up at a time that we are imprinting them with behaviors and conduct that are beneath the United States of America.”
Schultz did refrain, however, from directly critiquing the President.
“I’m not here today to specifically criticize or blame the President, I’ll leave that to the media, to the bloggers. I’ll let what he has done speak for itself. I think this meeting is for us,” he said to employees.
Schultz told the packed room of employees that an event like Charlottesville is a character test for our political leaders and government and that the need for moral courage and leadership has never been greater, according to spokesperson Linda Mills.
“I can assure you, as we always have, as a company, as an organization, that our culture and values and guiding principles will hold true,” Schultz told employees. “We will stand tall, and will be respectful of what the green apron represents. We need the belief and the faith in the country and the American people. It is hard in the midst of such a storm to maintain an optimistic view. I raise my hand, and I say I am optimistic about our country and the true promise of America.”
Mills explained that Schultz wanted to spend time talking to employees mostly to create a sense of community, hearing their own stories about racism and their view on the state of our country today.
“He spoke to our partners (employees) to reassure them of the moral fabric and resilience of America. But, mostly to create a sense of community where we all can come together in a safe and loving environment to share and try and heal from the ugliness and vitriol of the images from Charlottesville and the aftermath,” Mills said, explaining that the meeting lasted about 90 minutes.

 GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK. America is and always has been fine. This bullshit press release to show Shitbucks has a soul is the most soul-less saddest sack of crap I've read, because it passive-aggressively tells you what they really support. Though are corporate as fuck. They're so corporate they can say shit like this and it wouldn't put a dent in their vacuum. Their political stance doesn't deter idiots from buying their brand. Shit, I'm sipping from a Shitbucks coffee cup now. But it's really corny to lash out over something you really don't care about. You go, as most corporate lemming Right wing the cash register.

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