Sunday, February 12, 2017

"John Wick 2" (2017)

I would've subbed it "it's wickety wack!"

Once again, our titular character Wick is on the move. It's days after the first movie, and now he's going after his stolen car. Guess what? He owed MORE people..something about a favor in order for Wick to get out of this life. Let's be real...we don't want him out. We want him to slay his own people. seems if you're not a part of their assassin's club, you might as well be dead.

It's an aggravating scenario all to paint one flaw...killing begets killing begets more killing. And the smart ones find a way out rather than live in fear.

The movie is fun, but what bugs me is the subtle not subtle language. What began as clever innuendo and subtext becomes their winky language which...after s few really figure you're watching a movie. Also, there is a sad lack of police response...anywhere and everywhere. Not everyone is a part of the Matrix...I mean...John Wick world so it grates on me that he's spinning his wheels. This syndicate, which is clearly the masons, seem to control every corner of the city. I suppose Wick is the chosen one. So...his whip gunfire and sloppy hand combat is what the price of freedom hangs its hat on. Honestly, I could use less of guys coming around corners to get blasted in the face, ala video game. Don't you think at some point the baddies would know not to go around corners no matter how much money they get.

The movie becomes sillier than that when an all points bulletin gets jammed into effect rendering essentially a death sentence to Wick  I mean everyone eyeballs him. All makes, all models. Fat, some point I was expecting a baby to pop out of carriage to stink eye him.

Is it fun? Yeah. Loud but fun. Most likely a nice diversion from deeper darker Oscar season. And yes...there is going to be a 3rd one.

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