Saturday, February 25, 2017


I was invited to a party today where it's thrown by a friend for another friend, for his promotion. The friend throwing it, is a woman. The other a guy. She gushes over his talent, intelligence and humor. I see him as a hired hand. Therein lies the hit to the ego.

I remember on a short film I made in college a similar thing occurred. He ended up dating that girl. It ended for him miserably. Ot not. That's life, right?

What bothers me is that close people tend to overlook each other. For the sake of illustration, let's call it "Thr Duckie Situation" Remember that Duckie was Jon Cryer who was gawky and weird who pined for the affections of Molly Ringwald. Constantly overlooked despite his willingness as her best friend. Logic dictates she would get a clue and they would become more than friends. Didn't happen in movies. Doesn't happen in life.

In life....we simply look for our own interest. I feel slighted as not a single nod in terms of accomplishments I've made. Meanwhile, she fawns over something she doesn't even get rewarded for.

I choose to not attend this party as I know the resentment would only build. My defense? Move on. Which isn't the most mature, but really the most that does the least damage. Will Inbe villified at party? Possibly. Who knows. I know I couldn't face myself if I sucked it up and allowed slights to happen. I hope you are wired differently.

Yes, believe or not, I am a 40 year old dude.

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