In a total F.U. to the NBC network that cancelled Trump's "Apprentice" show for saying the thing about Mexico and Mexicans, and offending Univision he went ahead and just bought both Miss Universe and Miss USA from...NBC.
That's pretty amazing. This is total F-Me money. If you think about how big your nuts have to be to speak your mind and then back it up, tells all the PC police to go eat shit. And that is awesome.
Lately, there's been a slew of major networks cracking down on their "talent" saying things, only to be force to apologize later, or getting shit-canned. The worse is when it's comedians. They are suppose to be ribald and raunchy or point out racism or whatever touchy subject we deal with. These faceless corporations then shut it down, because we all know it's owned by massive conglomerates who believe having "offensive" material would tune people out. The advertisers start pulling out (in Trump's case, lost out PGA endorsements, or Macy's) Trump is basically telling those people, no one controls him. Least of all cowards. See, there is no real policing in media nowadays. The mention of something like Ferguson or Mexicans is an automatic shut down. Those are two hot button words that get you fired. As is commenting on Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner or any other hot button topic. Fuck, that's what we're SUPPOSE to be talking about. Instead, it's squashed under punishment of losing your livelihood. And it's a virus, these sneaky fucking assholes who have the button to end your career. They dangle a job over your head and you either play or die. Now, that is entirely up to you. But, you do have to admire Trump for not playing ball with this pile on mentality. I'm sure he'll find plenty of sponsors for us to look at pretty women. Not all corporations go running. But people seem to fear that advertising money drying up. The bread and butter of content. I can't say, because I'm not sure how much it takes to ditch your integrity. But even if Trump were the most racist asshole in the world, it is refreshing to hear someone not adjust their mindset to suit anyone. I'm sure he's lost hundreds of millions due to this. If he ever went broke defending his position and opinion about life, in a way, it would be a cautionary tale to always play ball. To me, that would be the saddest coda. I may not agree with what you have to say, but you should have the right to say it. Even if you are on their payroll.
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