Friday, September 11, 2015

Happy 9/11!!

I mean...wait...
Prior to 9/11 I had no idea who Osama Bin Laden was. I was at the end of my grad school years and focusing on getting a job somewhere. Watching this insane tragedy unfold was truly surreal. The silence in the room (as I was just waking up on the left coast) was deafening. Just playing that scene over and over in my head. Why? Why would people be so angry and crazy to do something like this. It reminded me how sheltered we really are. That we don't believe anyone can hate us. Fuck, we give $4 billion to Syria to help them out. About the same to Haiti. We can't even buy approval. Then this happens, and it leaves you so confused. What more could we do?

The problem is that we're dealing with a lot of resentful children. If I give money to Syria, Egypt is pissed. If I like Saudi Arabia more, Pakistan is upset. No one is happy, and we can't make everyone happy. But we try. Like idiots. We have no firm stance on anything. Because we want everyone to like us. What ends up happening is everyone wants to knock us down a peg. Since 9/11, I'd say we don't have as much clout for popularity as we use to. Mostly because we went into strange conflicts to hunt down those responsible. Turns out, they were people we use to like.

The worst aftermath of 9/11 are the people who remind us not to forget. Listen assholes, it's hard to forget two planes going into skyscrapers. So shut your fucking face about it. What else shouldn't I forget? How to hate Arabs? That America is free and planes crashing into buildings is a reminder. Care to explain how? Freedom to me is waking up NOT fearing these idiots. It's to live without worrying if someone will blow me up in the name of their religion. I appreciate the guys who risk their lives daily to provide it. It's hard to get behind the firemen who died in the tragedy, since I is their job. There's always an inherent risk to things like that. It's brave they attempted to save lives at the same time, it seems they never addressed the common sense of going into a burning building after a plane just collided with it.

If there's anything to take away from this date, it's that we put too much importance on dates and shit. What's done is done, and our world certainly changed in their favor (fear mongering TSA bullshit). So, if we're to feel any semblance of who we were as a nation, I'd as soon as not get so worked up about one tragic day. I'm sure the ones responsible enjoy we mourn.

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