Saturday, April 12, 2014

Gym 'Tards

Recently, there's been an epidemic of truly inconsiderate douche-heads who feel it is perfectly fine to bring their cell phones into the locker room, plant themselves down on a bench and text or surf internet whilst you are trying to get to your locker and get dressed.

Listen, you fuckers. take your fucking phone and shove it up your fucking ass. You are NOT that important. More so, you are in other people's way that need to get in get out and get the fuck to work. The thing that irks me, isn't so much that they suck up real estate. It's that they don't realize, as your standing there naked with a towel, that you exist. Well, here's the solution. Next time I see someone doing this and they are on the same space as me trying to sit down so I can get dressed, you're getting a fat gym bag to your fucking head. Yes. It's going to smack you in the face. Clearly, if I don't exist, you shouldn't feel pain. So there you have it.

Some of you may feel I'm overreacting. Fine. Probably am. But, it's just a collection of people in this fucking town that have zero awareness for their fellow man. For me, it takes me five minutes to dress, put on deodorant and leave. That's it. No hanging on the bench texting, surfing net. I'd rather people not even know I existed. I've got shit to do. Places to go. No nonsense. I pray I don't consume as much energy to pick up pack up and leave the area. Quickly. Also, you know what..? This goes for the same asshole who inverts his sock and starts to whip it around trying to get it straightened it out to put on. Hey fuckface, where do YOU think your sock dust goes? You must think the whole world fucking loves your pungent fucking feet funk. This is what I'm talking about. ZERO consideration for your fellow man. That's it. I'm done.


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