Before you woke fags became woke, I have always considered women better directors than men,
Think about it...
Women have more rhythm than men. Have a sense of timing when it comes to emotional beats. And, for the most part, listen (mostly to what they want to hear). The fact that men were given the opportunity to do so is simply because of a very archaic patriarchic mentality. Men have deeper voices and more commanding presence, and in the case of Werner Herzog, won't be afraid to punch you. BUT women will devastate you more. Women are more ruthless than we give them credit for. Their infliction of pain doesn't come from a knuckle sandwich. It's from snatching hope from you. Because they are kind(er) and will never tell you you suck (many will) they simply will find another way to fire your useless ass. Which is fine too. But, I find it MORE brutal this way.
They also have a better eye of construction of images. All the women photographers I know have a natural ease about them when it comes to composition (which I STILL argue is the most important thing in cinematography). They credit men as visual stimulators but women have a dynamic of CONSISTENT visual balance. Because their whole being is about tranquility. I would argue that despite the content (perhaps sometimes brutal world) there is a beauty that needs to be exhumed from ugliness. A removed eye that still serves as the audience (this is lost in watching movies on smaller screens now...seriously).
Also, women catch subtlety better. That's their bread and butter, fellas. They remember shit from 3rd grade and everything else that happened that day. It's not that they are smarter, it's because they took in the world. My sister is frightening when it comes to these things. Though I suspect she does it to revisit later to unleash her contempt for the world (we are related).
Women directors, given much more confidence and a net to fail, would be BETTER than any Werner Herzog or William Friedkin. Somehow their cruel sadistic manner became the thing to aspire to. This is dumb. And it reflects in their movies. Cold and bitter.
Women are natural storytellers. They tell their children bedtime stories. And make them up as they go.
I knew this LONG before Hollywood caught up. Now they love to take credit for wising up. How fitting.
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