Monday, September 21, 2020

Lefty Left

There are a ton of people in Los Angeles that are far Left. Obviously.
I know a bunch. They have causes. They have protest. They have a cause about everything. Mostly because their lives are pointless. They're all White. Yes, White people who complain about everything that oppresses non-White people. Can you believe that? The Black and Brown community have brainwashed White people in Los Angeles that they are the scum of the Earth so they must lash out. Or be labeled a "racist."

Here's what I know, and bless their hearts...White Leftist are THE single most racist people on the planet. They're so racist they have no clue. Because racist rules apply to YOU and not to THEM. Case in point, a friend whose friends got together and made a sketch about friends. One played an Asian dude...offensively. As a "pure" Asian guy, watching this was equivalent to watching a Black minstrel show. Or a Charlie Chan film. Oh boy it was bad. Guess who didn't think so? Any of them. AND, the best part (or worst), THEY think it was fine. Because (and let me repeat), the rules apply to YOU and not to THEM. Secretly, they are bigoted. Really bigoted. I know one Lefty who makes inappropriate generalizations about people all the time. I do too, but because I don't hide behind some phony good will agenda, I can't be a hypocrite. She can. So fuck y'all.

The issue is that White people who feel deep in their heart that they are progressive and open minded and so forth...present themselves that way. They're activist in many causes. The simple fact is that they are heartsick at the injustices they see on media. And have not lived life on the streets. Privileged people don't understand, but they need a cause. They've been beaten to believe they are the root cause of suffering. To hold people accountable for their actions (Blacks and Brown) would be considered bigoted.
Since when?
They have no critical thinking past that. So, because they've atoned for that, they create judgmental unintentionally bigoted projects. They are the most bigoted, because they don't understand what bigotry is.

Typically speaking, racist people, I mean truly ugly racist people aren't holding a flag or marching. They're in basements making things to defend themselves against society. OR, undermining America. THAT includes Black Lives Matter Organization. They infiltrated America's rules and used them for their agenda. What radical Muslim terrorist do. Because they are racist terrorist. And have bent the guilt ridden White youth into following suit. They know the laws and rules and now don't have a border. There is no line they will not cross. And now supported by Joe Biden, Kamala Harris to bail out protesters/rioters. ALL protesters should be linked with rioters. Yeah, it's your right to protest. But we're not seeing protesting. We're seeing people lose their businesses to angry mobs.

Any way, leave the Left if you can. They're idiots on a sinking ship. Disorganized, in the sense that they just want to cripple law and order but organized in that they are funded. The real protest are the Americans who aren't watching professional sports or buying products. I will never have Netflix. They seem to fuel a lot of the Lefty agenda. And NOT because I care. Since Netflix is caught in the middle of commerce and art. In some ways, people who do protest them cut their noses off to spite their face. You die-hard Netflix haters better find a way to make your own content.

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