Wednesday, January 2, 2019

The Spielberg Touch

I think people may look back, maybe decades from now and truly appreciate Steven Spielberg.
Though I hate his politics, as he is dancing properly for the Hollywood elite, I think his films are amazing. And have a re-watchability. I'm not sure many of the newer generation will fully comprehend the loss it will be when he stops making movies. Which, in a all likelihood, may be a few more years.
I watched "Ready Player One" again, and's a lot more nuanced than the retards of this generation can comprehend. And it's not only that it references MY generation, but it also is filmmaking at its finest. Sure, it's a throwaway "kids video game movie" but...not really. In lesser hands it's as basic as it can be. You watch it enough times, you realize how there is a set up and payoff. Something Billy Wilder was brilliant at.
Let's be honest, Spielberg films lack...teeth. They aren't meant to hurt others or indict others, they are to make the bad parts of your life disappear. Which I can see why he decided to tackle this film. And, trust me, I'm not one to strike up a band for a baby boomer filmmaker...they're all pretty smug Leftist (except for John Milius, who apparently shat all over Francis Ford Coppola for attempting to make a socialist argument for 'Apocalypse Now'"). I would argue that perhaps "Ready Player One" got such bad reviews is because it lacks cynicism. True, in this viewing I saw the socialism play out (if you are in debt, someone will buy it and put you in a hole to work it out until you die). While the true sensibility is a young man attempting to make something better for himself and yet choosing to live in a fantasy world. See, the 2019 guy in me tells me that the punk needs to "grow the fuck up" though the Spielberg touch tells me to leave him alone.
"The Post" was straight up Leftist propaganda. Newspapers are archaic form of information, but can still be used as metaphor for his paranoia about the present administration putting a kibbosh on them. Perhaps if the news printed wasn't so slanted, they would get much more support.
He should stick to the colors that make us all happy.

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