Tuesday, July 24, 2018

The Biggest Loser In The World

I found out who the biggest loser I've ever met in my life is...
...it's my neighbor.
What makes him a loser?
For one thing, he got on my case about me giving my recyclable cans to a homeless person citing this is the reason more are coming into our neighborhood.
Second, and the most telling, I asked him "What is it you want to do with your life?"
His face contorted...then he spat out "I'm a little old to be asking that question." In other words, you're waiting to die.
There is no curiosity with this guy. Though he doesn't hold me in contempt, I find him incredibly narrow-minded and foolish. His opinion and "lessons learn" are typical of the Conservatives. They ask questions they already know the answer to so they can give you the correct answer. Annoying, yes. But for a guy who has no job, very confusing. No income I can see. So I believe he's dipping into the government as well. Somewhere.
Then it occurred to me...if you have no direction in life and nothing interests you...game over. There is no purpose to live your life. This man, whom I'll quote here "did not ask to be on this planet" curses his own existence. Seriously. He holds the person who gave him life in contempt. That he was put on this planet to suffer until he is no longer here. He, is, waiting, to, die. And that is the saddest thing I've ever experienced. My guess, a LOT of people in my complex are. They're old and White and the world scares them. Hmmm...it must be contagious.
The point being, the man does nothing, wants nothing, expects nothing and wants to be nothing. And he's okay with it. I think a LOT of people are like that. And I'm not sure if you're born this way or he gets beaten into you. Whatever the case, for the love of God, if any of this applies to you, please seek help.

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