Friday, July 13, 2018

Interpersonal Relationships In Hollywood

I was listening to a podcast today where these standup comedians are asking themselves what makes L.A.'s entertainment industry so distasteful to...normal people. The answer they come up with are that the people who come out here to make it aren't very deep. They've no tolerance for intelligent conversation and don't have time or energy (sometimes brains) to go any more deep then a question inherent in all broken people "what can you do for me?" "how long should I cultivate this relationship that would benefit me?" That's survivors. Most of my actor friends are survivors. They do whatever it takes. So cultivating meaningful relationships only open themselves up to be betrayed by...people who look at them as one of the two questions above. Too many people consider these relationships a liability. Much like their past life.

This led the podcasters to laugh at how hermit like they've become in Los Angeles. One simply understood that this industry speaks differently than others. And that language is to give out your resume so people take you seriously. Or ask enough questions to know if the person you're talking to is important. It's surprising how little people ask about...simple things. The one person was confuses as to why "what are you working on?" is always within the first five questions of working with anyone. It's on every level. I have a few director friends, but the one that had the most talent asked SO many questions about everything BUT the project at hand. I'm not sure why this is. If you are our here, and working to get into Hollywood, pay attention to that and report back. Look and listen at all the people who have a hustle. Very few listen. Even in a facility like the post-production place I work at that has blue collar technicians. No one chats like people I made lifelong friends with. Then ask, a person who their longest friendship has been. This is the most telling. People who have majority of "friends" within this town don't have friends at all. These are people who would bail them from anything. Who know their family. Who are concern about them. Think about all those people who came from small towns that did speak to people like human beings, then to this. Automatons trying to push to fame in any capacity. This is why people (real human beings) can't stand "Hollywood types." They're self-absorbed (awards show AGAIN?) and self righteous and sanctimonious about their career. How and why Harvey Weinstein thrived. Look at Meryl Streep. Incredible actress, gives passionate speeches about loving people and so forth (written by a writer). Full of shit. So is Robert DeNiro. He can't stand human beings. They're too genuine. Genuine people don't care about your fame. I doubt either of these people have childhood friends. DeNiro of all people who spent the first half of his life making movies about lifelong friendship. Phony.
This podcast really reinforced what people will find out about Hollywood. This industry is meant for people who can shed these real relationships. It needs that toughness that goes with making decisions that most people can't make. It's ugly that they will end up living in this limbo and not even realize it. Most develop an addiction of some sort. I did. But there are little things you start to get back your life. I help people make films shot on films. Most of these people are reaching for that ring. Hyper, smart, ultra-creative experimental, bold...that classic example of why we started making movies before it became commerce. People who are happy to make something tangible.

I wish you well as you navigate this pursuit.

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