Sunday, July 1, 2018

News Is Entertainment

Is it any mystery why every story you read about...puts the new administration into poor light? Didn't for the previous one.
Because Liberals do control media. And it's all about entertainment. The less you pander to these people, the less eyeballs you get. How do you explain Chrissy Teigen in every fucking story. She's a fucking retard who married a rich musician. The fuck does she know about the general public. Much like Oprah, she really panders to middle aged suburban White people. An Aunt Tom sort of speak.

The more you realize the true divide of the nation, it's simply that the news loves to zap the social injustice warriors. Are police corrupt? You better hope not. But in the Left narrative, every cop all the time are against you. A few ramifications come from don't trust authority period. Good luck with that. I don't particularly like cops, but they are the go-between you and bad things. Also...this leads to less checks on incoming police. Means with whom they have to draw from, the pool isn't the best and brightest. The L.A.P.D. are the dumbest and the laziest. I've so far had two issues having to call the police. Both times the officers could barely put together a sentence. The movies aren't remotely valid. They aren't military straight of trained. They're borderline retarded. These are the ones who end up shooting people.
So, take the news with a grain of salt. Seriously, these "families stay together" rallies are the dumbest use of time ever. Doesn't do shit. Thankfully it means some fat middle age White women get exercise (mostly their mouths). But it's something to do. Hobbies are getting less and less now. I'd hope they take up knitting or learning how to cook. You know, women shit.

Just joking, ladies. Hope you haven't lost any sense of humor. Maybe I'll catch you guys again on the way down.

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