Wednesday, March 22, 2017

"30 For 30" ESPN films

I know what you're going to say...
..way to catch up to the rest of the world.
I recently discovered this show. It's 30 filmmakers making 30 films.

The best thing about it...even if you don't like sports, it's more human interest than the actual event. All the inside scoop stuff you hear rumors about or just batting hot topics at bars or barbershops. It's a fantastic viewing.

For instance, I had no idea Donald Trump was instrumental in killing the USFL. For those not in the know, a few decades back, there was a lull in football between when the Super Bowl ended and September. So a group of people got together and formed this league which took in players that didn't necessarily make the NFL but still had a TON of talent. This was the league we wish corporate didn't take over. But it did. In the form of Donald Trump. He sued the NFL for a monopoly...WON, but killed the USFL in the process.

The USFL had many players that did skip into the NFL and became pro bowlers. What made this league fun was rambunctious. You could do group celebrations, taunt and just...well, have fun like you once were able to do. Since corporate sponsors took over the NFL all that went away. You got fined and penalized for any celebration. Hence "The No Fun League." USFL was the NASCAR of football. They played for a pittance of NFL contracts but still maintained some serious gameplay. It was somewhere between a Canadian League and the NFL. But so much more entertaining.

Even the crowd loved it. Because you got a chance to decelerate from the NFL. And just let it be.

Alas, two years and it all went kaput. It could've gone on for a while. But ol' Trump thought he saw something bigger. And, well, if we're to be judged by our track record, we may want to look at this example as to why or how something good can be taken away so quickly when a guy who lacks shame gets involved.

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