Friday, November 25, 2016

Florence Henderson

Florence Henderson was born in 1934 and died on Thanksgiving 2016.
I remember the pilot episode of "The Brady Bunch" with her miniskirt and bobbed young Mom hair. Boy...did I want her to be my mom. I mean...except that would be weird. I'm not going to write about what she meant to me based on the show, but rather people's relationship with death and God. My friend from college Chris, is a devout Christian. I recall he and all going to backyard keg parties whooping it up. Many a night he would step in to male sure I didn't get my zit face punched in, little did I know, he was more Boy Scout than first realized. He's got a great familu now with a sweet wife. I recall I met her during those college years, and she disapproved of me since I smoked, drank and raised Hell. She had bigger plans for Chris. He willingly accepted. He found God and knows not to press my heathen ass about it. Same with my sister. She's not overt about it. But silently attends church. She isn't the type to judge you because of it. Born-agains would. She just likes that religion brought her structure. Maybe semblance of order.

I guess if we can conjure up the idea of God, then one surely must exist. Most would likely believe we do so to sidestep grief our brains can't handle. Tragedy as to why 5 year olds would die on a bus can be explained.

Sorry for the grim entry. A part of my childhood gets logged away. Younger generation will discover Florence Henderson and the joy she brought was a life worth living. Bring joy to others.

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