Wednesday, October 12, 2016

We're So Full Of Shit

Another reason Trump has his supporters. His rhetoric is immediate and drastic. Think about it...our dumbasses are Americans. We want loud and fast. Hillary's just trying to catch up. But she's been a lawyer so long, she doesn't know how to be off the cuff. The issue with a Trump presidency is this immediacy. You don't like the wall he's planning for Mexico...tough shit. Get the fuck out. Now where do we get the money to build this thing? Right. Like that that episode of "The Simpsons" where Homer placates EVERYONE explained in a musical number by garbage men. Sunny and bright when the get paid. The budget gets blown in the first week and Springfield is forced to live in its own filth.
But that's American. And Americans. Yesterday I saw a double bacon three patty burger with cheese and fries. That isn't a family meal. We want a
That's on us. So in case you're wondering...we literally want our cake and eat it too.

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