Monday, October 10, 2016

Political Humor

It's so uncomfortable to tell jokes on a political level. Because most of these assholes are using the discomfort of things that effect people on a tragic way. Worse now that we have Twitter.
Recently a tweet went out..that seems to mock Trump's intoletance to Muslim terrorism. Which stated "I'm Muslim and would like to report a man on stage threatening a woman in St. Louis" I got a kick out of that. Until...i thought about it. This cuntbag started this "funny" tweet by stating the Muslim part. Bitch...your joke is dead in the water. No one...and I mean NO ONE begins a 911 call like that. In fact, if people stopped to think about it...she actually fucked over her own cause. In other words, label yourself so you can be judged.
Nice going idiot.'s comedy. But leave it to people who actually have time or experience to massage it properly.

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