Sunday, October 30, 2016

The Collapsed Ceiling

I could go on and on about the stupidity of my landlord...or slumlord. But it's not about that. This is about my neighbor upstairs.

Essentially, he is a blustery old man sick of society. A true conservative who has a lot of opinions and dissatisfied with people. He is angry and loud. What I didn't expect was that he is a coward.

I got into an argument with the landlord as to how many times I've warned them about the bathroom ceiling and how bad it was going to get. He pushed back with his own accusations that he did whatbhe could. That's a pilebof horseshit. He had his maintenance guys comes through and paint over cracks. I've repeatedly warned them. On the phone. Maintenance continued to stand by their assessment. And I continued to warn them. To a point where I am convinced they thought I was a nutjob. Worst...that they said they did something and didn't do it. I eventually threatened them, with the fact I was documenting everything on video and photoa. Frustrating. I really want to unleash the worst of the worst of choice words on them. I am now with a collapsed ceiling.
So I did unleash my anger. I berated them for their incompetence. He accused me of not having training for knowing construction. Eventually he knew he had no ground since proof was blasted all over my bathro floor.

When Dan...the owner showed up and saw the damage. What could possibly be going on in his mind other than his negligence caused this. Oh boy...I lipped him. While my neighbor upstairs...which this effects him just as much...remained quiet. What the flying fuck happened to the blustery angey White guy entitlement. I was expecting him to chime in, easentially vindicating our displeasure with this treatment. In fact....he was the first person who drew my attention to the owner's cheapness.
There he was. Standing there and silent. No anger, folded arms placating the owner. That we would have to use a different bathroom. He nodded silently. My neighbor is a spineless worm. When push came to shove...he folded. Or tucked his tail. I think he knows too. Which really now makes sense. His bluster is to conceal how helpless he is. And...that is where I never want to be. I understand the fear. But something tells me...he feels he is constantly the victim. I pity him. He literally has nothing left to lose, but won't stand for his dignity. I mean...what is left if you don't have that.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

The End Of That Era

Ah..the end of a car being towed away. She is going to be scrapped. And that hurts the most. I often wonder if some parents may feel the same when they leave the home. Ungrateful. Well, she's left home and that closes the door on that.
Should I be emotional over it. I am and I'm not. We've had our adventures...and the memories are what matter.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

At The Ground Level

If you've read my blathering thus far, you know I'm cranky when it comes to the people of Los Angeles. They're self-centered turd phony gangstas'. The rest are dullards. Which is why I function well here.

But, I've been taking the bust lately, and I've got to's changed a bit of the perspective of L.A. for me. At least my commute from the San Fernando Valley to Hollywood. I've seen people be polite, offer old lady seats. Say "excuse me" or allow others to pass. Yes, there are the occasional dickholes who get on the bus and attempt to draw attention to themselves. Such as rapping to themselves. Or playing loud music. But all in all, not the biggest gripe I have. In fact, I've seen more kindness in the trenches than I have at work. Which may explain, as my friend has said, that when you are in a car in L.A. you wake up angry, get in the car angry, drive angry, and work with other angry people. On the bus, you HAVE to face humanity. I could drive my car now, but something about being at the ground level has lessen my disgust for humanity. People look at one another. And talk sometimes. Not that much, but sometimes. And they treat each other...not well, but with respect. I think because no one knows who is angry or not.

And, of course, you get pushed with the wave of humanity. But watching people is pretty interesting and has been giving me more time to think about stories. Instead of stressing out about traffic.

It's a nice change of pace. And I'm saving a little bit of dough.

Monday, October 24, 2016

One Day I Knew I Was Going To Have To Move To L.A.

I've heard this phrase a lot, lately. Not that I would begrudge anyone who is that determined, my day that made sense. 16 years ago you HAD to be here if you want to make movies. Today...not so much. You can make them anywhere. With less jaded people and more enthusiasm. Every town has their micro-Hollywood. But...I're too cool for them

My biggest confusion people follow the trades. Very little ia actually being done in town. I mean, if you are starting out, a smaller venue makes a ton more sense than kicking and suffering in L.A. That is not to discourage anyone from trying out here, but I really assumed the luster of making movies here was dead and buried. In hindsight, much can be done in a place where there is very little being done. I'm not entirely sure people understand the pool they're leaping in. Also...what bugs me...the pre-millenium fun in this town is over. We use to run roughshod on Sunset Boulevard (lost my wallet at Crazy Girls). It's much more quiet now. And it seems the younger crowd prefers the occasional game of Yahtzee over...say crashing a open bar party at Formosa and puking outside the House of Blues (closed).

I don't want to constantly warn people that what you see on t.v. isn't what you get. Then again...I am curious how a nice, seemingly polite person gets turned into a monster overnight.
Guns N' Roses are gone folks.

Rent in L.A.

I'm sure it's all perspective. I warn people of the cost of living here. But it's a different ball game when you really add it up. As a single person, you're tipping your budget about $3000 as of 2016. That's rent, food, utilities, fuel for car and some entertainment. That's not drinking at bars. But paying for things like health and dental too.
I crunched the numbers when I got a notice of a rent increase as of December. It's not much and Incan afford it, but it got me curious about other places around here. So I sniffed around the rental area. Near where I live...and a few blocks the REALLY shitty part of Van a little over $100 extra. I'm saying the less three-pools-tennis-court barrio, where there is street parking.
Yes, the market now is so ridiculously high, that rent is the new premium. Shit-holes are what you would pay as mortgage for a safe area outside of California. Not that expect them to give a shit. But that's what happens when this property is sold to foreign interest.

It's our damn fault. Because we're transients here. Gypsies with delusions of squatting. Bad tenants came and went and left horrible reputation that others pay. That is the nature of rentals. No respect paid. Especially in an anonymous town like Los Angeles.

The mystique outweighs the reality. To which many people learn too late. Or their alternative is too awful to consider. NOTHING crushes people more than hope gone unanswered.

Back to the real estate...if you plan on coming out here...find a one bedroom apartment with a close friend and split the time sleeping on couch. You save a bunch of dough and stave off uncertainty.
It's getting tougher out here.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Ohio...For The Win!

Since 1964, the American President has been decided by Ohio. Whomever Ohio goes with...wins. That's a very dubious distinction. Considering how small the state is. Or maybe more prophetic how different we are within that state. Mid-America working class peeps would sway correctly. If you think about the polarized states does make sense.

This election may be different though. It's an odd duck, since we're not voting candidates here. We're picking the less offensive one. So many superlatives thrown around this election. For example..."this is THE single most disgusting show of alleyway political tactics ever." Not really. It's always been tactless. This is what they call transparency. And what did we see. Everything we suspected but didn't think we'd see. We're all tantrum throwing babies. Politicians are the worst. But we're stuck with this. Now winding down, mercifully,  to a burning halt.

I'm not sure you can predict what is to happen here. No one is going to be graceful in defeat. Though, thankfully, will disappear.

For those who believe there are better I use to...there isn't. Trump, if anything, you can drag any pig into the mud with him. If it weren't Hillary it would be some other poor slob. Would Bernie fare better...honestly...I think he pussed out. To which, Trump would've freely grabbed. We sent an ogre to fight a swamp witch..meanwhile...our village will burn no matter what.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

"Jack Reacher:Never Go Back' (2016)

We live in a world now where a Madea holiday mocie beat Tom Cruise at the box office. That tells you we are complete morons predicted by "Idiocracy."
But good for Tyler Perry. It also shows a fun nerdy Black man can succeed in this style comedy since the disenfranchised seem to like gangsta' shit. Or it tells me there are now even more immigrants here that just want a cross dressing laugh. Take that "Birth of a Nation."

This Jack Reacher movie sort of takes you back to his roots. He's on the road but he stumbled onto a personal matter that leads him back to his military background. He is set to meet a woman he only knew by emails. But discovers over the phone that she's even a woman. He, in essence is being "catfished" And fortunately it turns out to be Cobie Smulders whose character is named Major Susan Turner.

Turner has been arrested after Reacher has set up a date. To which he now investigates why.

This movie is a throwback to...sleuthing movies. None of it moves at music video speed. Nor does it have the gloss of the first one. It's actually an odd movie, in that with different hairstyles and could be a 70's detective movie. It has one-liners and goons. People tail each other. There are mouthy and rugged women. There are blurred lines between good guys and bad. And as pne person pointed out...this is as Eastwood as Cruise is going to get. It's a perfect transition into these older roles. I sense Cruise will play a lawyer again...much like Paul Newman did in his later years. OR...a curmudgeony old guy. He obviously can do comedy. There is pretty good schtick in this movie.

But things move on for Reacher. He isn't a good guy. He does good things. He's a drifter without a war. And I appreciate that Rambo-ness of the movie. Just trying to figure out humanity and seeing glimpses of hope for us.

If you roll your eyes at patriotic movies or just think our country is a pile of shit...this movie 'aint for you. If you are a forgiving soul with hope in your eyes...well..I got a tiny bit misty at the end.


It wasn't so much The Ohio State Buckeyes lost. I would've been cool with Wisconsin Badgers. BUT a team whose athletic department habored a known pedophile is unreal.
Yet...yes..yet...after the initial shock...I was left with a sense's alright. I'm not sure why. But..I think it has to do with the practical side of it. Which is
..none of these assholes pay my bills. Nor do they lower my taxes. Fact seems to be...the older I get the more I've concluded win or lose...our live move forth. That's food or bad dependent on your situation. In a shitty would be a massive disappointment. would be all you lived for. Pride of a place you live.
Now...this same night the Chicago Cubs finally made it to the World Series since 1948. The Indians made it too. They haven't been there since the 1960's. Cub fans seem to make it like they're winning it. And I'm happy for them. Their futility of city pride has become a weird joke. As much as my awful Cincinnati Bengals. We may lose our identity if they ever win the Super Bowl. Not "us" the city.

I always imagine...after decades near a century of disappointment... a win falls from the sky. And they are old guy who owns a local pub puts up the team photo up on his wall. Then can tell the story of what was the most amazing season they lived through. A closure to life maybe.

I blend my disappointments now. Watered down by some shame, but othet realities. That at Penn State (the team that beat Buckeyes tonight) they were a few steps now away from the ugly recent history. I look back and do realize hanging a Scarlet Letter on them makes me worst than people who will never let the shame of slavery die ( yeh...I know it's an extreme comparison). Life goes on...and they don't know you from any other schlub in the stadium wearing their color jersey.
I'm deeply bummed but don't feel my life is over. And that feels good.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Trump's Last Stand

I didn't watch it. But people say it was ugly.

But, as Hillary smiles convinced of her victory, it would be of some satisfaction to see a third party win and her balling up her fist and really letting loose on what she really thinks of the American people. People say, we're not voting for Bill but for Hillary. I think that's laughable. He's on at the very least consultant. Let's not fool ourselves. He's got the experience. But...of 90's America, NOT today. Today...sort of sucks. I mean 90's did too. But at least Bill can adjust to help the poor ass constituents (me). One wonders how a husband and wife presidency is history making, on the carcass of a bully and punk business scum. America seems to be sick of both of the wafflers.

I honestly don't know how this will turn out. Seems everyone has crowned Hillary now. Which is cool. If he wins, I suspect some big corps will be fleeing this country. OR...and I hope this promise is true, she lives up to her promise. I don't think I could stand my liberal friends bitching and moaning after she got into office and NOTHING got done. Especially helping me out with my student loans (heh heh).

Alright, political gladiator fans, that's it. And congratulations to the Cleveland Indians for essentially sweeping the Toronto Blue Jays. First the NBA Champs now...World Series? What is going on in that town. I say...great. I'm sick of the jokes about that town. I mean, I laugh, but they still cut deep. They always consider us in Cincinnati the dumb yokels and we always think they're the shady goombahs. But we're still Ohioans. Not like the Cub fans versus the White Sox. guys are in the same fucking city and have resentment towards each others' successes. Not even in the same division. That's hate for ya.

Monday, October 17, 2016

I Need To Get To KMart!

The elderly lady blasted out of the retirement home door and onto the sidewalk where I waited for the bus. She wore sweats. With unkempt hair. Something agitated her.
"You know when the bus comes?" She demanded info from me.
" can see it from here." Down the street the bus chugged along. Maybe 5 minutes, I thought.
Her look was a bit wild and somewhat desperate

"How much is it to ride the bus?"

"A dollar seventy five cents" thinking I should've explained in her era money. Like "50 tuppence."
She seemed to holler " I have 2 dollars!"
Why did I even follow up "yeah..they want exact change. You'll be donating a quarter." Naturally it didn't compute.
"I have to get to KMart! I have to buy Christmas presents"
Why oh why do I want to know "'s October."
She seemed to lean into me. Study my expression. Her eyes narrowed. Her hair seemsd to get wilder.
"Yeah...s'kay. It's on layaway anyway."
We both got on the bus and she got off three blocks KMart.

Now that I think about it...she may have just escaped from the retirement home.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

"The Accountant" (2016)

A man good with numbers and has a killer instinct. This was the pitch of "Good Will Hunting" so it's not that big of a leap to see Ben Affleck tackle this topic. This movie is pretty badass. Mostly because Ben is still yoked from his superhero world.

In a way, this is also a superhero movie. Freaks who have special talents. He could possibly be the X-Men's accountant. His power is numbers. He even comes from a school for special children. Anyway, he works as a number cruncher for real jerks. He makes money for a reason the movie does explain. He is a lonely shutoff guy until he meets up with a fellow accountant while investigating missing money. Which turns into a conspiracy on the development of robotic prosthetics (like "The Fugitive.").
Things get wild when he is being chased by a treasury agent interested on the mysterious accountant.
There are some great laughs in this movie. Ben has to be deadpan and ticky while still making you believe a human is within him. It's something of heartbreak and loneliness. Like if Willy Nelson went across the country singing songs and helping the people who couldn't help themselves. I suppose it's like The Hulk. But much more fun. And logical.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Grabbing Pussy Pt. 3

I realize the sound of those words coming out of a middle aged melted candle with Fraggle hair sounds gross. But that's most likely why people leapt on it. Had it been Johnny Depp...I'm sure a lot of women would come to his defense. Women are starting to combat double standards by expressing their own. Or at least having an outlet to vebalize. What I wrote about men being weak these's simply because we're allowed to. When you look at the support of a mountain of what was once considered deviant behavior now pushed to the norm...that's a woman's doing. Women are seeing how much more anger they can express and scaring off the menfolk. Trump reminds us of a time when a woman got out of mouthy she'd get backhanded. See, that's changed. Spouses and girlfriends see this and demand you agree what a monster he is. Most men can't backhand their to lay back in Lazy Boy and pretend that shrewy voice is static.

By the way...most people leave out the crucial.part of Trump's grabbing poon line. Which is...when you're rich and famous. Ordinary guys can't be doing that shit. It's WHY you become rich and famous. But...that's not even worth it anymore. When you become rich and famous, you take care of your six adopted 3rd world country kids, get a chick with lips that look like they could suck start a Buick, but get zero oral. And then get divorced for half. If we think celebrities are privileged...society clearly doesn't want to reward it.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Michelle Obama Chimes In On This Shit Show

Shit your dumb fucking face.
The Don is imploding and now you want to re-ignite his supporters. You moron! They already hate you.

So what did she say...well basically, as a woman you should feel violated by his words. Duuuuhhhh.
But you know the are already pussies. To be honest, Hillary is more of a man than Trump is. She's willing to take a lot for the team. She is so desperate to be Prez she slept (Im really assuming here) in the same bed Bill mosy likely banged women in. And she was willing to sacrifice soldiers to cover up our illegal activities. Look, she never said she's a staunch liberal. In fact...quite the opposite. She might as well be a Right Winger. Since that's what Michelle accused her of...well before a couple of words about The Don. You know...this caveman mentality got him a ton of pussy. Was it 100% success. Probably not. But you only need one. And seeing how our society has gone wouldn't surprise me if Trump got kudos for being a knuckle-dragger. All funny stuff. This is better than The NFL.

Conservatives Watch The Movies They Wanna Watch

Jesus movies have a built in audience. Mel Gibson's "Passion of the Christ" raked in so much dough guy still lives in Malibu post anti-Semite rants. Look at all those Christian born-again movies. Kirk Cameron could pay to reshoot "Growing Pains" over again with a Christian theme and leverage the remaining cast to come aboard with the dough he's made on those "Left Behind" movies. Religion aside...fuckin Clint Eastwood's "Sully" exceeded anyone's expectation and blew away the box office going over 100 mil already. Yes...his dumb...didn't we see this already in "Flight" movie. Also the guy who supports Trump. Or hates Hillary. Who knows. But you can bet anything that guy wants Warner Bros. gives him. I love Clint. Seems to be really the man of the people. And would've made a nice president...pre-Clinton. Two Bushes were too much. I don't think Middle East would've fucked with us if they knew Dirty Harry was in office. Not because they think he is that character...but I think they'd want to see more movies from him post-presidency. We're all movie fans.
It may be the country is sick of Hollywood deviancy. Sick of Kardashian being famous for doing nothing. Sick of entitlement. Sick of immoral values. The money shows you the trend. And...domestically anyway...loves its heroes to have a strong pious code. It feels as if we're shifting back to a 1980's.sensibility. We're sick of worrying about who hates us. I'm certain people are starting to wean off internet anger. If movies that we pay to see reflects America, it's slowly creeping away from serial killing anger. Leaning more towards banding together to fight a common enemy.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Trump Doesn't Like Black People And He Gropes Women

A lot of this makes more sense when it first occurred rather than now. But I get it...17 year old beauty contestant may have been intimidated. Young and in the midst of fortune and fame. And the devil nearby doesn't have push or pull.

There isn't a law that says you have to be a beauty contestant. This has nothing to do with the fact that Trump is most likely all the things he's accused of. It's that I wish women would understand getting into the entertainment field is gross and exploitive. Trump isn't different he's the norm. And it's a shame. If anything comes from this, it's that homosexuals stop grabbing guys, pedophiles disappear and sexual predators leavr Hollywood. I'll wait for youto stop laughing.
Does Trump not like Black people. I don't think anyone rich and White does except for the Rooney family that owns Steelers. He champions the Blacks. Heavily Irish guilt. I think we all have prejudices. Which is why the only reason Trump isn't drummed out of America is that we probably know we have it in us too.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Wells Fargo Scam

Bankers are filthy animals. They use your money to make money then when you're not looking, use yoir identity to make money. They got caught and the CEO John Stumpf "retires."
Not good enough. This asshole should be executed. I'm not kidding. There has to be that dire a consequence in order for others not to do the same.
I recall being with them a few years back and feeling the shadyness of their bank. They've been around a long time, but something didn't seem rigbt about them. I watched every dime and nickel month to month. But sometimes came up short. One time I was just fed up called corporate and screamed at them "there is something going on there."
They responded "well, show us where we've made a mistake and we'd be happy to change"
"That's the point the numbers are there but I'm still not getting the numbers you're getting."
"I can't change the sum if I don't know what is incorrect." So...I'd get hit with overdraft fees and so forth. I knew something was up. Fucking goddamn banks. And this Stumpf fucker gets to keep his life. I hope someone royally got screwed and assassinates his ass. Send a message to those who would cheat their fellow man.
And before you say "calm down, it's only money" I agree with you. But I'm not the one that would risk death to cheat peoplem for it." Get it?
Preferably Stumpf kills himself. It's best.

We're So Full Of Shit

Another reason Trump has his supporters. His rhetoric is immediate and drastic. Think about it...our dumbasses are Americans. We want loud and fast. Hillary's just trying to catch up. But she's been a lawyer so long, she doesn't know how to be off the cuff. The issue with a Trump presidency is this immediacy. You don't like the wall he's planning for Mexico...tough shit. Get the fuck out. Now where do we get the money to build this thing? Right. Like that that episode of "The Simpsons" where Homer placates EVERYONE explained in a musical number by garbage men. Sunny and bright when the get paid. The budget gets blown in the first week and Springfield is forced to live in its own filth.
But that's American. And Americans. Yesterday I saw a double bacon three patty burger with cheese and fries. That isn't a family meal. We want a
That's on us. So in case you're wondering...we literally want our cake and eat it too.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Rich Guy Loophole

I'm not that tax smart, so I have no idea what Trump's accounts do is legal or not. if it were a loophole, it's hard to throw that in America's face and say that the Obama administration is responsible for it.

Yeah, I know there's a fucking sign on around the pool that says not to swim after 9PM but, shit...there's a hole in the fence. So why not?

That's rich guy thinking. That's looking out for himself thinking. That's shit we aren't privvy to NOR do we get a pass at, because we're fucking broke people. Rich people stay rich because of these loopholes. You really think Trump is going to close that hole. Or Hillary. Fuck no. Both these turds sicken me.

But, I can only complain here, since...well, I'm not voting for either of these two. I think they're both scum. What a mess we've gotten ourselves into.

Pussy Grabbin' pt 2

Is it just me or do you get a boner when seemingly nice looking women paraphrase Trump and use the word "pussy" Goddamn...that's hot. And you have Trump to thank for that. I mean very pleasant looking Moms on Facebook writing about pussy grabbing. Pornhub couldn't have figured this out. And they owe Trump money.
I know I'm sorta' laughing at gropey assault. I know I wouldn't have the balls to do it to a stranger. Or really say it to a girl. Though I've done it to a girl I went out with a few times...and I did feel dirty mashy aftetwards. Oh wait..i did it to a stripper too, they don't count.
Incidentally...same women who think this is deplorable...slather on the most makeup. Not saying you deserve to be harrassed, but you really want attention somewhere in there. Maybe if it eere a good looking would be different.
As Chris Rock may not be a whore...but you sure are wearing the uniform. My bad.

Political Humor

It's so uncomfortable to tell jokes on a political level. Because most of these assholes are using the discomfort of things that effect people on a tragic way. Worse now that we have Twitter.
Recently a tweet went out..that seems to mock Trump's intoletance to Muslim terrorism. Which stated "I'm Muslim and would like to report a man on stage threatening a woman in St. Louis" I got a kick out of that. Until...i thought about it. This cuntbag started this "funny" tweet by stating the Muslim part. Bitch...your joke is dead in the water. No one...and I mean NO ONE begins a 911 call like that. In fact, if people stopped to think about it...she actually fucked over her own cause. In other words, label yourself so you can be judged.
Nice going idiot.'s comedy. But leave it to people who actually have time or experience to massage it properly.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

"Grab them by the pussy"

Sometimes it works. I would guess the success rate of grabbing pussy to getting slapped if you're a celebrity or famous is non-existent. The fact that he's mocked by that hypocrite Alex Baldwin on SNL is rich. He shoulf know better. But whatever...

Do we want a president that says shit like that? I dunno...I mean...John F. Kennedy was an oversexed weirdo. Or just...a man.

What bugs me the sounds like impotent assholes I work with. Specifically a middle ager who loves saying shit like that because it makes him look less a fag. Public bravado like that always sickens me because I live with a filter and appreciate it. These fucking retards say shit like this...because they are weak mentally. Kennedy just fucked. He didn't talk so much.
Anyway...if Trump wins we're sorta getting Lyndon Johnson. He had a mouth like you wouldn't believe. Oh...incidentally...this is why celebrities don't like lavalier microphones.

2nd Debate

So...I could care less about the Packers versus the Giants. So...I'm watching the debate. It's really interesting. I don't recall it ever being entertaining. It's fun. Hillary and The Donald are both scum. is society now. So...this is what we deserve.
It's really funny to hear two adults desperately wanting to not sound like children.

This is a very strange social media debate. Online people asking questions is weird.

I dunno who you should vote for. I don't care. They're the same people. They refuse to believe it.

Liberal Media

There's no such thing. These assholes who claim that they are for the people is hogwash. They have mortgages to pay. And, quite sadly, they rely on the poor to watch. If you're bothered by the news you will never succeed. For I a broke person writing my blog to placate the masses that would agree with me (scary...I know) but it's not like I care if you take anything I say to heart. This talk angries up the blood. Get upset. When in reality I am as moderate as anyone else.

This weekend a domestic dispute in Palm Springs caused the death of two police officers. One very young beautiful White lady and a veteran Mexican-American man. See...when cops kill citizens they always mention race in media. Not the other way around. There was a Black dude who executed a police officer in the street. White cop. Just gunned him down in cold blood. Black dude most likely will use the defense that he was defending himself. Hard to do that when you blasted him another 4 times as he was on the ground. No mention of his skin color in the news (I saw the footage later). Why?

Because these, supposed, liberal media is covering it up. Nope. It's worse...a conservative in liberal clothing. And people are too dumb to follow it backwards.

If conservative inbreds truly saw it through...they'd realize their fellow man are trying to boost fear and up your precious gun sales. They know not mentioning "Muslim terrorist" bothers you. They bank on it.

I mean...think about it...if liberals truly controlled media it'd be puppy adoption shows and gardening tips. Who wants to see death and destruction
 Apparently it pays bills.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

The Ongoing Saga Of Nate Parker

God...even their names are identical. Just kidding PC police.

This movie will flop. Had Nate not done what he said he didn't do...he would've been Academy darling. Good or bad...he's the monster now. And there is NO way in Hell Hollyweird hypocrits want this clown anywhere near their red carpet.

Enter "Fences." Directed by Denzel is the story of a former baseball player whose career is sidelined and has to find a way to support his family. The trailer had me in tears. I love father/son shit. The tougher the dad...the more you know how much he cares. Denzel may be the first guy ever to win as director AND actor. I can't remember. Certainly

..we know he is no slouch anywhere. This movie is SO much more a unifyer of Black and White. The universal theme is infinitely more inspiring that we are all the same...rather than...slavery bad. If you were to ask me...that's low hanging fruit. Whoops...didn't mean to imply lynching.
Anyway...Nate's movie is going to flop. But I wonder what THAT narratice will be. Not like Nate can say "please forgive my past" I mean...this movie kicks the past back in Whitey's face and tells them to answer for it. Well...time for him to take responsibility. Incidentally...saw Black parents bring their children to this movie. Maybe Jews brought their kids to see "Schindler's List." Seems weird to me.

"The Girl On The Train" (2016)

There is a moment in this movie where a true drunk understands. The realization of a blackout and desperately looking for someone to apologize to. Especially after a heavy binge moment. this case a girl goes missing. And you realize your obsession was of that girl the night before.
The other tragic thing about this moment is...a true drunk makes up the most awful things about themselves. There is no gauge to what is the reality. In college...I always thought I was a terrible person to my then girlfriend. In her reality she was shitty to me. It's probably a little of both.
This is a feminist's wet dream movie. Three women...all entwined by the idyllic neighborhood. These are not good people. Rachel, played by Emily Blunt, is a out-of-control drunk. She harrasses her ex-husband and new wife Anna Boyd, a blonde and almost unrecognizable Rebecca Ferguson, who could be a trophy wife...if she wasn't the mistress. Rachel resents Anna for being a homewrecker. Though conjures up an imaginary life three doors down with a young married couple. Megan Hipwell, played lusciously by Haley Bennett, is in her own rut. She seems to have uncontrollable urges that seems like nyphomania. She sees a therapist (Edgar Ramirez) who she attempts to seduce. She's married to man (Luke Evans) who appears to be distraught from his wife, now missing. Though prior to that...insanely jealous of her.
The journey to the end of this movie is a lot of fun. The ending blows. It had sssooooo many options that were far more interesting. But...I think any other ending would never satisfy anyone. Though...I wonder, like when they re-shot "Fatal Attraction" to end like a monster movie. That decision lined Paramount's pockets with gold. Which wasn't the proper solution...but the one the made the audience happy. I wonder if they took that into consideration. Still a solid watch for a matinee.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

"Westworld" (2016) HBO pilot

Titled "The original"
This pilot ends as it begins. The slow grinding melancholy world told from the perspective of the robots that inhabit the theme park. We're not traveling with the humans here. In a strange way we're going down a rabbit hole both Stanley Kubrick and Steven Spielberg desperately tried to make with "A.I." a forgettable mash up of big ideas that fell flat but still an admirable attempt.

What this show, I think, is trying to bridge that gap of sentient beings. Are we who build the images of ourselves doomed to be enslaved by our creation. Sort of. We are now. Dependent on technology to solve our most basic of problems. Suffice it to say, a conscious android who has the ability to rationalize conversation with programmed emotions most likely would eventually feel resentment for rebooting their memories while not completely deleting them (yes "Blade Runner" is very very similar). It's impossible not to draw comparisons to Phillip K. Dick's world. He mastered the reality versus commerce link. And really questioned our humanity. It seems this may tap into the darker core of manufactured humans realizing their superior potential.
A fascinating start to what was a pretty B level movie. So far...its all atmosphere. But the shit is about to hit the fan...and our world is about to come to terms with our constant need to riae above...really the apex of our development. In othet words...our extinction. A must watch!

From The Trenches 2

I guess it may not surprise you the cost of living in Los Angeles sucks. Of course...if I were to follow my own advice I'd already have gone. Why live somewhere you can't afford. adjusts accordingly. I was looking for rentals in Cincinnati. Then places I grew up wanting to live. Nice high end apartments within walking distance of downtown. Yeah...that shit is beyond my means too. It wasn't when I was a teen. adjusts.
I figure...the same place I can get there, I already have here. I think what's throwing me off is community. There isn't really one here. Not that I'm complaining...but it does give assholes pause before they attempt to fuck with anyone. A mass trumps a few.
I've now been here roughly the same amount of time I've been in Ohio. It's a weird feeling. Like being out of school longer than you've been in. It's a weird line we skate to function. Doing our best everyday.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Ass Transit

So I plunked down more fucking dough on this other car...more issues of course. Not surprising as it is an old car. I complained about a creak...they fixed the rotor. Of course...stupid fucking mechanic then told me about the creaking. Dude..thats what i went in for. So I'm the fucking retard. Anyway... sick of having a car. I get I need one in LA....sort of. When I need to haul camera gear. But I'm done. Poor and done. Collectively I've spent more on this car than a few months rent. And it needs a little bit more tweaking. I guess. Im going to putter here and there...but during the weekday...its the fucking mass transit for me. And I'm relieved. For a few reasons. For traffic to deal with. I REALLY don't want to run down a slow asswipe...but...jeez. walking is great exercise.'re not going to fucking believe this...the bus stop to get to's...I'm fucking embarrassed to even say...I can see it from my stairs landing. YES...this whole time I never even needed a car to get to work. That bus goes directly to the station I need to get to Hollywood. Goddamn it. The money I would've saved sickens me.
But of course...there's a catch. The dregs of Van Nuys. I must share airspace with...well..they also have to share with me. The point being...I get no start and stop. Convenience is obviously not the key here. NOT dealing with a car is. I really do feel relieved. Imagine that...docking my car and feeling relief.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

I'm NOT Made Of Money!

I know what you're gonna say...for someone who says he doesn't care about money, he sure does bitch about it. Honestly, other people care about money. So they need it to fix the shit that's wrong with me or my things. For instance my car or my health. Or I just buy film. Shit, I've spent well over money I could spend on bills (which are already paid...but still...) on film. It's like some odd fetish or something. Motion picture film.

Meanwhile, I get sticker shock every time I need to spend dough on health. By the way, the fuck are these people who DON'T get crazy over bills about...crowns for you teeth. I'd never like to meet them. Dental care is fucking expensive. And I have insurance. Fuck.

Just today I was griping about the money I spend on shit. My busted car...and my other busted car. Anyway. so I told a co-worker. And he told me the time a guy had hit his car and drove off. So he had to get his front end replaced and painted. I was thinking a couple of thousands, which is already a massive "fuck me" moment. Nope...$12,000. I was like "FUCK!" Admittedly the car wasn't even worth that much. Not even close. But guess what, he paid for it to be fixed. I know some people call me an idiot for continually sinking money into a lost cause, but to be honest...we are sentimental people. Whether we admit it or not.

That said, it's amazing to me what things costs. I'm sure my dentist looks at his film scanning rates and wonders why so fucking expensive. haha. Right. The truth is, I need dental work, he doesn't need my film expertise.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Trump's Taxes

Says on his forms, he's lost nearly a billion dollars.

If he lost it, who the fuck has it?

This is why Trump, like me, should never be President of The United States. His defense is stupid shit I'd paraphrase "Hey, you assholes do it too!"

Yeah, we all lie and cheat on our taxes. Though lately I haven't. The last five years, I've done the most basic, no deductions in the least.

Which would account for why I can't afford anything. I like to think my taxes went to something good like getting retarded gun toting kids off heroin or something. Instead, it's to cover this shithead and Hillary shithead's costs. These two fuckin jerks are why we are mocked.

And it's just getting worse.

Dirty Filthy No Good Injun

The Supreme Court has denied a hearing for Dan Snyder and his filthy miserable No Good Washington Redskins team. I don't give a fuck, I'm still calling them The Redskins. Though, way to clog up our fucking system with something this dumb. Just change it already. I was a big fan of them back in the 80's with Riggins and Theisman and shit. Just because their helmets were badass. It was detailed. Back when a design was a design. Though now it looks like that same image from the dollar coin. Or that could be Betsy Ross, who fucking knows.
If Snyder was smart, he'd change the name and hoard all the remaining iconic Redskins images. And then EBay the fuck out of it. You're talking millions in collectibles. Like he needs more money. But, then just give it to some local Indian, and see how fast they'd sell their image off for. You know, exploit the fact that everyone can be bought.

Photographer's Dilemma

I spent my entire Sunday watching football and fixing up wedding photos I took a few weeks back for a friend. I get so lost into the images…my brain starts to lose focus. I’m not sure people truly understand the full extent of image correction. It really takes finesse. The slightest tic here or there changes everything. And you have to stay consistent. THAT is the most difficult. Especially with shots that are taken at different parts of the day. It’s downright grueling. Also, there’s so many gimmicks to make your images pop these days. I try my damndest to NOT use those things. Color washes to make images look vintage (shit, I already shoot on film). Or select coloring…which I NEVER use. THAT is a ridiculous look that, for some reason, when people are starting out in photography love it. It’s that thing where everything is in black and white except for an image you want to have color. It’s stupid looking and hasn’t worked since the late 70’s.
To be fair, we are at the mercy of clients. What I’ve realized over anything else?...all wedding photographers do the same shit. Because you are so limited in what you can do. But there are a lot of experienced wedding photographers who know the bits and pieces that they want for the artistic expression…or to fulfill their style. I have a style, which I don’t necessarily know what to call it. But it’s very similar to…oh say…the same way some cinematographers have a “look” they’re cultivating (not so much anymore since people have turned to digital, cinematographers all look the same, because studios want a specific look=boring and serviceable).
So it goes without saying that all we see are the same thing over and over again. Perhaps me being able to shoot my friend’s wedding gave them a different perspective. It’s hard to tell because (and yes folks, I’m falling into the trap). I do what I think other people want. I should just do what I want. The rest will fall into place. Okay, I’m going to stop worrying about it.
Anyway, I just remember my photographer friend had mentioned a few years back this uber-professional photographer did a magazine shoot and he spent two full days fine tuning one image (MASSIVE Photoshop). Didn’t sleep, ate very little. He was so enraptured in making this one image perfect. It’s weird, touching up your own work requires a different maniacal brain than…just being a shooter. It’s a mental exercise, to which…unless they pay me a TON, I wouldn’t want to deal with it. My brain hurts thinking about it.

Nate Parker IS Nat Turner

I was watching “60 Minutes” (because that Chiefs/Schittburgh Steeler game was awful…and came across an interview with Nate Parker. He’s the dude who directed the movie about slave rebellion called “Birth Of A Nation.” It’s funny that I can be sued for making a movie called “Star Wars” but this dude can “appropriate this title from D.W. Griffith.
To Nate, he sees Nat Parker as a hero. Though the rebellion murdered women and children. This may nor may not be mentioned in this movie…since it would make Nat Turner a monster. He is a monster. So are slavers.
The sole reason a movie wasn’t made from this guy, is because he’s no hero. At least admit the cowardice it takes to murder women and children. Hell, the Whites to this day feel guilt over something they’ve never remotely agree with OR support in any way. But at least there’s admittance of it.
So, now he wants to open old wounds. BUT…BIG BUT…feels a victim when people draw up the old news about him being accused of rape. He was exonerated but his friend (who helped him write his movie), ended up in prison. So, now he’s repentant for his actions but has never apologized for his actions. Hmm…is he a hero now or a victim? As mentioned before, the girl who accused him of rape ended up committing suicide in 2012. He didn’t know. As it didn’t seem to be a matter of importance to him to follow up. It does tell you something about him.
He still seems like an arrogant bastard. His movie comes out this week, and I wonder how it will do at the box office. Maybe we’re going to be less forgiving. I mean, shit…from a potential Oscar juggernaut to Sony’s biggest embarrassment. Aside from Amy Pascal’s leaked emails.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Film School Garbage

What I despise more than anything in this industry are film students and the ones who've graduated recently. They are really opinionated and have no real world experience. And share it openly. Honestly, I'd live more than anything to allow any of these assholes to spend their own money, write their own shit and make it. ONLY then would these stupid assholes know what it takes. It blows my mind that it constantly comes up. Considering the bullshit their professors told them doesn't work practically. They will learn though. If they take what they do seriously. But these people are too cowardly to risk their vision. It would be too crushing. So instead...they get on your project and throw their film school education into your project. I made that mistake once...and learned. It still haunts me. Ideally theses assholes will learn sooner than later.
Don't be that assholes.