Monday, July 11, 2022

Anyone Who Supports Biden is A Retard

Joe Biden is braindead. If you don't see that, you are a moron. The guy does idiotic things. Trump was actually a fantastic President. Again. think the movie "Dave" He was an outsider who embraced being a capitalist but also saw the stupid way government spends YOUR money. Joe Biden has lived off taxpayers his entire life. And has also now embezzled money from his position. Is it no wonder other politicians wanted him to be president. Those dummies want to steal from us too. That is the government way. He is a glorified postal worker who steals. The guy is a thief and moron. Worse, he thinks WE'RE morons. Says the guy whose son is crackhead. Pretty obvious this administration sucks beyond words. And people STILL remain stupid because they hate Trump's personality. Can't wait until the Left really sucks on common sense dick. That's the thing, everytime one of you Lefty morons excuse Brandon, I want to backhand you back to the hole you pulled your head from. Because you aren't paying attention. Or reverse engineering his actions. And now, too prideful to admit, your poor decisions caused the suffering of others. There's this guy who works at my company who voted for Biden. I call him an idiot to his face. No big surprise that he stays clear of me. But this moron thought because I was brown I'd support the Democrats, regardless. He's a racist as are all Lefties. They patronize the Black and brown people because they are convinced we can't help ourselves. The minute you get off Lefty plantation, the better. They want you to rely on their goodwill. Why I dropped the Left. Fuckers.

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