Saturday, July 24, 2021

I Don't Have An Idea

 More often than not, when I tell people I'm making a short film, they inevitably share the fact that they want to make a movie. It's contagious. And very cool. Inspiring people to make their own projects is inspiring in itself.

The follow up conversation...

."...but I don't have an idea"

Yes you do. What you're really saying is "I want to make a movie, but I'm afraid it will suck"

It probably will. Especially if you haven't made anything. Then you think other people will shit on your project's more than likely, you've spent your time shitting on other people's movies. People probably think you think your big trap means you can make a better movie. And when it sucks, which it will, you look like an idiot. People will mock you, and so forth.

So fucking what?

Keep shitting on movies and making bad movies. No one gives a shit. Seriously. The fact you are doing it means so much more.

Segue, I will say, a lot of people are lazy when it comes to execution. To be very frank, constructing a movie and going out and executing is a TON of work. I run on adrenaline a lot. For trying to make my day in the chaos. Very little of it is actually what you see directors do.

There's a doc with Stanley Kubrick belittling Shelly Duvall in "The Shining" See, I always thought he was reserved. The energy it takes to have an idea, get everyone involved, THEN coordinate it is...something short of a miracle to get it completed. If you do it on a feature, you are a God amongst men and women.

You do have an idea. Whether you can spend your days focused to execute it is another story. For most of us...the time better be well spent. And you BETTER appreciate what you are doing. In that sense, a lot of people don't really have faith in their abilities. I COMPLETELY understand your concern. But much like sex, the more you do it, the sort-of better you get.

For me, it's a time waster. I have a cool idea of a TYPE of movie I've always wanted to make. And that's it. Don't fear it. Just kill it out there!

I have faith in you.

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