I'm not sure I ever did. With the exception of when we use to be able to win food stuff from McDonald's. Remember getting free hamburgers and soft serve ice cream when a U.S. team won. I was holding out for the fries.
Kinda funny when you consider that as we were eating McD's, athletes where trying NOT to eat McD's.
But I dunno, Olympics always seemed sort of...dull. As there are so many more entertaining distractions, it seems this televised thing use to hold a TON of glitz and glamor now don't seem as coveted. And I think the t.v. people know. NBC took a massive hit. A dip and draw not seen since 30 years earlier.
I suspect 30 years earlier suffered similar setbacks because of South Korea? Even then I didn't really care.
It use to be an event.
I think the fractured distancing of our society is causing a great deal of this. No one is proud of their country anymore. Certainly, in America, some athletes found ways to tell the world that they think we suck. Even though they showed up in state of the art equipment. Whilst Eastern European athletes had to train using ox and pull chains (Remember "Rocky IV")
Also American patriots seem to root AGAINST the U.S. team now. Not the U.S. Just the athletes that kneel.
Kneelers are funny. They think they're making a difference. They aren't. They're promoting their brand. They know it. We know it. Capitalism is great. Everyone knows that. No one wants to admit it.
Any way, the feats of athletes now also seem subpar to what we see on a weekly basis. A kid who can jump rope 1000 times, a person who can survive Chicago. These are much more impressive.
Records are beaten. Teams will lose.
And no one cares.
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