Monday, May 17, 2021

The Popular Kids

 Once you get to Hollywood you might notice this...'s high school again.

Pretty girls and handsome men get the attention and they get undue credit when they are generally useless. 

Popular kids have always gotten what they want. They know the system, game the system and believes the systems should work for them. Nothing is as entitled as a popular kid.

And nothing is as glorious as watching a popular kid fail miserably when they attempt to flex this entitlement.

Pretty people who have come to this town learn a very harsh lesson fast. There is always someone prettier than you. Smarter than you. More ambitious than you. It goes without saying, a TON of starlets and pretty boys have done whatever it takes to make it. The unspoken thing. They were willing to do unspeakable things to get to where they are. These truths will most likely be buried with them. Unless you're Corey Haim. Or Corey Feldman.

I was never the popular kid. I did popular things and recruited many of the "in-crowd" to my nonsense. But, in whole, I kept with a very close knit crew in high school. We played in a band. The popular kids were wealthy, pretty people who were vacuous and didn't seem to have ambition in terms of what they wanted to do (happens more often with people who have things given to them). I always pitied them in that sense. Mostly because I wasn't wealthy and always knew what I wanted to do.

But I think in order to succeed in this business you do need a chip on your shoulder at the "cool kids" If people shut you out of their orbit say to yourself "fuck them!" And then succeed. Your success is their worst nightmare.

I love that I have thrived where others plummeted. This isn't to say I celebrate their failures. Or their struggle. In truth, I'm glad my decision to not chase after people to like me and be the coolest person in the room as a victory.

It took me a while to get to this point. I don't need the popular people in this town. There is a massive weight that is thrown off you when you discover this as well. All you can do is keep making the things you want to make. Enjoy the process and forget the social media climb that has infected our collective minds.

I had a friend who casted a popular girl in his movie. Because she had so many Instagram followers. She is terrible. But she's so popular.

Probably want to decide if this is the world you want to work in.

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