Monday, January 18, 2021

White People Shit

 People are really dogging on the White people these days. And I reckon it's just going to create much more Black and Brown hate. Because they aren't being recognized for all the good they've done.

American exists and thrive because White people made some cool shit. Due mostly because of convenience or comfort. What we are privileged of these days in America is solely on White Americans. And I'm not fucking saying that because I'm "White washed" or a "Banana" or whatever stupid bigoted shit you White Lefties have against me for saying's because it is the truth. And it is not politically correct to give credit where credit is due. Obviously, White folk are also responsible for some atrocities. But not as much as the good that is done. In America anyway.

Funny how the White Lefties hate on Klan and White Supremacist when they are the LEAST visible at this point. They have to dig deep to label anyone who disagrees with them this way.

Any how, here's the live in American comfort because of White people. Sorry to say, it as a direct result of things being built for everyone's well being. Explain how people who live in White culture seem to live a more comfortable life, whilst people in Sub-Saharan countries seem to suffer. Oh wait, that's a Lefty speed bump.

Lefty: Bullshit! Society has thrived for centuries with inventions the White culture can only imagine.

Also Lefty: They need clean water!!!

Yeah, dummies, the White folk figured out a long time ago, that innovation is the key.

Now a lot of you would probably argue that White society have the benefit of living on more fertile ground or land that yields better chances of survival. Guess what, the fact that you think or say that makes you a dumb racist. You're essentially saying those people are too dumb to go to better places.

I am grateful to live in America. And grateful that White America made it what it is. I am also now grateful Black and Brown people make it what is is. That is the point of America. The problem now is that White Lefty America want you to believe you are the problem with everything about America. White people laid the groundwork know...not having to shit in a hole. OR having hot food. Or, not being presided over by a warlord.

And it is stunning how people have no recognition of this comfort level.

We're so comfortable we have to go looking for problems

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