Monday, January 18, 2021

Homeless Issue In Los Angeles

 I would bet the majority of the homeless in Los Angeles stem from three things...

1) no steady home life

2) Other cities sending them useless people

3) substance abuse

So many have crushed dreams.
But also it's too expensive to live in regulated lives.

For a lot of the homeless, I don't disagree with you. It is ridiculous to live here. But, it was also (now) made for people who can afford to live here. If you can't, you create a larger problem.

On my way to work, I've seen two encampments that have been burned down. I can only guess they're attempting to stay warm and start a fire. One next to a corporate business (Costco). Sure they're happy about that.

The homeless issue here is an epidemic. And is getting worse.

Then I hear from some morons that if I don't like it I should leave.

Think about that for a second. Because I pay taxes, go to work and don't set shit on fire...the problem is mine. This is typical idiotic Lefty shit. How about I go around and burn down all your encampments. Since the new D.A. of Los Angeles isn't enforcing loitering. Then what? Most of you are null and void people in society anyway.

What this does is create a lack of effort on all parts. Making this worse than Tiajuana. A lawless community dictated by lawless people.

And it just snowballs into what we're seeing now. Give an inch, take a mile.

So, Lefties, go fuck yourselves. Maybe a homeless person burns down your home and takes everything that meant anything to you. Perhaps you'd wise the fuck up.

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