Friday, April 17, 2020

This Started Out As A Muscle Building Over 40 Blog

So what happened?
Ha! I got lazy. As most of us get busy or tired...or...sigh...old.
Everything after 40 hurts. You will experience it, guaranteed. And I'm very sorry to tell you that. It happens almost overnight. Literally. I also asked my high school friend, and she told me the same. It happened overnight. It's like the universe knows you're not suppose to exert yourself after that.

But I have that Asian gene that ages slow (until a certain point, then everything sags). My pal Willie Leong is older than me, but has much more energy. He stunt coordinates for movies. Most people tell me I don't look 45 but, holy shit, do I feel it. Tired and sore with no reason.
Many things happen as you sleep I guess.

So, during this quarantine, I started to do body weight exercises. To regain some abs. Pretty bad since I eat total garbage. But again, metabolism plays a large role as well. White folk react to processed foods differently then Asians. Sugars really hit the midsection hard. Though, the white rice diet of most Asians hasn't necessarily been that good either (all sugar). I've abused myself recently with, just junk food. And I actually don't have an excuse. The grocery store I go in lower income community, and they wiped the shelves clean of crap and left fruits and vegetables and salads. I dug deep and found my chips and Little Debbie snack cakes. Ugh.

But, I found a great YouTube video that shreds you up in 7 minutes:
Boy does this make me want to vomit. But it really motivates you without having to use gym gear. I start with 10 minutes of yoga stretches and go into this. I also downloaded an application for my phone that has a 30 minute ab work out. So between yoga, this and the app...I think I've covered my morning.
So great waking up, having a cup of Earl Grey tea with lemon and some zinc, vitamin C and hitting this workout.
Let me know if this helps with you when you turn 40.
Happy abb'ing!

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