Newsflash: Mayors and Governors don't give a fuck about you. They care about your vote.
Gavin Fucking Retard Newsome's response to the coronvirus was to shut down life in California.
Smart you say? This was BEFORE any real facts were in place. You know why?
Because, here's the thing...a quarantine put into place supposedly lowers the death rate/infection rate of the people. First off, DUH. It would do that with flu, AIDS or any other pandemic. The original numbers before quarantine were listed as 2.2 million dead within the United States. Now it's 100-200,000, now 80K by May or June. Or whatever numbers start to change. Works if you first OVER inflate the numbers. Then they can say their action saved lives.
It's that insidious and dumb. And most of the Left are falling for it. And I don't blame them.
Media is painting this out to be like the Spanish flu which took out more people than World War 1 (tens of millions, if you can believe that staggering amount). Or they have a death count meter. Which is REALLY anxiety inducing. Remember that "Simpsons" episode where Dr. Hibbert examines a child who just downed a massive pint of ice cream and asked him if he had diabetes...well, he does now. That's the thing...this fear mongering is causing MORE damage than the virus itself. People are scared. Poorly eating. Can't sleep. Every small tickle in the throat or headache is grounds for fear. Because we're fed how quickly it infects and how fatal it could be. It makes me sick thinking about it. This general malaise has been ongoing since December and the warning is that it takes two weeks to show signs. Of course, the moment one person goes beyond that number, the alarm bells go off again. Do we not see the line KEEPS moving. Up/Down whatever. HOW ABOUT...we let the doctors do their job and if they come up with anything...allow them to announce it. STOP the media from pandering the fact that the sky is falling. Because it's not, but they're definitely trying their hardest to destroy the economy. This entire time, not one head of state has given ANY suggestions how to make money during this time. Want to know why? Because they now control you. Yes folks...they tank the economy so now you are at the mercy of them. That's how it works.
But the Left won't change. This is how much they hate Trump. They'd rather America tank and let their people rebuild. Because that golden opportunity wasn't going to come again for a while.
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