Friday, May 24, 2019

Human Decency

I urge everyone who reads this to show a little more decency to one another.
I am constantly surprised how many people will shirk their responsibility or fault and lie, for what amounts to not much. This is a fight or flight mindset, supposedly. The honorable thing is to be honest. This is what is missing because we are very suspicious of one another.

Being from the midwest there are a few things we USE to have. 1) always be kind to your neighbor 2) always help your neighbor.

This dissipates in larger cities, simply because of survival. The unfortunate thing is that this breeds terrible people from once good people. A decent person only needs to face a handful of awful people to "learn their lesson" in survival. No one else cares, regardless if it meant your health or well being. To most people in L.A. it seems they look to take advantage of people and guise it under "they were gonna screw me before I screw them." Money. And the money people turn us against one another.

My sister told me that George Harrison, in his dying breath said "love one another."
For me, I would want to say "be kinder to one another."
There are incredibly honorable people in this world that just want fairness and honesty. Too many have infected our mindset the opposite. And now, we see a more rabid selfish society. When you spill milk, admit it, clean it up and move forth with a clear conscience. It has worked for me for so long. So it is disappointing when people choose to be dishonest. It's actually MORE work to be dishonest according to what I see.

The sadness I feel now, is that people repeatedly choose the other option of being dishonest for preservation. Or that punishment would hurt them. This is a child's mentality. When I was a kid, we had movies about man'ing up and doing the right thing.'s about what you attempt to get away with, and I'm tired of it.
Be decent. Do the right thing.

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