If you've been following this case, it's that gay dude from the show I never saw. People are upset he was let go with essentially a slap on the wrist for attempting to start a race war in a hoax. Black and White folk are burning because it really kills the call for help from REAL victims. Smollett was convicted in the court of public outrage. And there was too much evidence that proved its point. But the Attorney General of Illinois, a friend of Barack Obama and Michelle Obama seemed to have real sway. Most likely they greased that wheel that gave him an out (in case you're wondering how gangster the Obamas really were).
Didn't surprise me after Kim Foxx recused herself because of the connection.
SO the real outrage continues over justice. Or lack of.
Does it bother me? In the long run, not really. It was a stupid hoax, though could've gotten people killed. Not any odder than "Jackass" which I hate too. This happened to be the call to arms people like Don Lemon or Stephen Colbert wanted. That they manufacture lies if the truth doesn't fit their agenda. I'm sure he'll be coming out (again) to tell the public how he was stressed and anxiety ridden and so forth. But, if I were him I'd lay really low.
I think this may also be a response to the cop in Sacramento who shot a Black dude who was involved in a drive-by. The cop was acquitted. I truly think the Obamas or Foxx think this was a slap to Trump's face. How derailed and emotional the Left really are. There is no justice under them. As they most likely feel there is no justice under the Right (history). But, let's get perspective to commons sense.
Oddly enough, Black and White seemed to have banded together to hate on this dude. And that's a start.
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