Monday, February 5, 2018

End Of The Holiday Season

I always mark the Super Bowl as the finality to the holiday run. Which began in October with Hallowe'en. Whew.
Is it me, or does it feel like holidays are just getting longer and more spread out. Though at the same time running so fast. I've now reached a point where I understand I won't have time to do everything I want to. And that's rough. Especially since the more you do, the more has to be done.
And everything has to be done.
What I've now discoverd, when people tell me to "get more help" in my projects, is that my projects are a little too specific to just get any help. There are limitations, and to explain them requires time and energy and even then, most people don't want to deal with the logistics. Most people believe you have a camera and some lights and sound you're good to go. And technically, they aren't wrong. But a million things run through your mental state as well. Is the film going to look like this? I have to pull my own focus on an older 60's-70's lens. What time does the lab close? Should I push this expired film? How much extra am I going to be charged for going over on time? This set looks like shit. Wonder if everyone on the crew is happy, as they're working for nothing. And so forth.
Things people in front of the camera don't know about or don't care. It's not their job to care. It's mine. Though I'm always surprised how these anxiety riddled questions are articulated by my fellow filmmakers. Perhaps they don't care.
Having the experience does mean having more paranoia. If you sleep well at night before a film shoot, you're not doing it right. Or on meds. Though we aren't curing cancer, we are moving a world. And it 'aint easy, bub.
The other thing is hearing suggestions from people who've never made a film. "Just do this and this and this..." they casually toss out. That's easier said then done. To those people, I simply tell them to do those things and tell me how it works out for them. Truth? It won't. They'll find out they have zero idea what it means to do this and this and this.

Making movies isn't fun. The residual effect is amusing. But it's not fun. Now the question being...why the fuck am I even doing it? The's an ego boost. The greatest accomplishment you can provide for your fellow man is to tell them that we're not much different from one another. If it's a comedy, it's that we laugh at the same things. Or a drama, we get sad at the same things. Some of the movies I'm most interested in, are a commentary on how we're trying to figure ourselves out as a species. It's no mystery, a lot of us filmmakers make movies simply to explore our own dreams. Or fears. A lot of my filmmaking school chums let it go a while back because they consider it much more frivilous now compared to understanding their own families. Completely understood.
The casual viewer doesn't care either. Movies served as a function of getting out of their own duldrums. I think that's what entertainers are admired.
So moving forward.

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