Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Cursing 2016

You assholes who are doing this...
First, it's not cool.
Second, you're next (say it in a creepy voice).

Cursing the year because deaths occurred is dumb. Because, quite honestly, I consider them the lucky ones. They don't have to worry about a ton of shit anymore. Least of all, listening to political strife and terrorism bullplop throughout our pitiful Earth.

Y'know, I use to shit on those people who whined about how we are killing ourselves. Truth is...we are. This beautiful place populated by people who want to kill each other. That's awful. Yet, we chalk it up to nature.

What is our nature if it isn't for self-preservation. You have it, I want it. Or I have it, you want it. So protect, protect, protect and fear of loss. I've experienced it. But have gotten much more philosophical. A lesson learned.

Then we just live to get on with dying.'s an "or" about you assholes stop being petty and start doing shit.  Making shit. Stop complaining and barrel forward. Cursing 2016 is the surest way to do nothing in 2017. Instead, count the ones who are still in front of you. Think of it as The Oregon Trail. Those who died of dysentery, you must move forward or more will die.

Embrace 2017 and remember 2016 as the past full of the shitpants'd dead.

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