Sunday, April 10, 2016


This is my thousandth blog entry.
When I looked back at when I first started this thing, it's so odd. It was just to goof off. Still is, really.
When I first started this thing, it was meant to deal with retaining muscle for after you’re 40. I’m 41 now and came to a lot of conclusions about it. For one, you can’t fight genetics. I guess it depends on what you mean by fight, but your genetics are your genetics. Some are born never to gain weight, others can’t gain it fast enough. So you run, lift, eat well and so forth to push back genetics. I’ve learned a lot of that is wasted energy. I mean, unless you go to extremes, which I don’t recommend doing AFTER 40. The point is to live a content life. If that means an occasional pizza or fried chicken, so be it. Just don’t eat the whole bucket. Also, anything that allows your mind to remain calm…this is infinitely more valuable than a sculpted chiseled oiled up pecs at 40.
I had no idea what it means to get to a 1000 entries of thoughts. If you ever took the time to read back on my rants, you could put together a little of who I am.  If it mattered. I would sincerely hope that I am believed to be inspirational in terms of sidestepping stupid shit that happened in my life. I lament the dumb stuff that makes us unique and maybe you agree with a few things that I’ve written. Especially if you’ve had issues with boozing, which earlier had consumed a great deal of my life.
Above all, I would hope that you see that the dynamics of humans don’t exist on a singular playing field. I hope you relate to the fact that I can be brutally honest to myself and others. And that my viewpoints don’t define (I hope you see this the clearest) who I am. We are all so back and forth, there is no real judgment to anyone who can be so varied in life. We are all so adaptable, there is no one set thing. I think that’s why we get upset at extreme people. Because a single moment or a singular thought should not encompass who that person is. Unless that’s all they function as. A Trump supporter may stand together at the Million Man March or support small Mexican businesses, whereas a staunch liberal could feel sick about gay marriage. We are never suppose to fall in rank in file of labels. Ever.
For the future of this blog, which acts as my own journal of life, I hope you feel comfort in knowing my version of the truth about life that you don’t feel so lonely or angry about everything. My favorite phrase, which I need to constantly remind myself, is “check your second reaction.” I am quick tempered and impatient. But that should mirror who I am and the standards of which I live my life. If I were to conduct myself to standards I set, should I expect others to do so as well? I would hope so.
A man of their word is very rare in society today. NOT because we’re absolute narcissist, but because life gets in the way. The simple answer would be to think society has imploded on itself and people just look out for number one. In the short trek I make downtown, the subway reminds me there are decent people. The Mexican gangbanger who gave up his seat to an elderly woman. The smile the pretty girl gave me as the transit cops were scanning TAP cards, the books people read while they ride. The constant flow of Angelenos living their lives not knowing who you are. Yes, humanity is a blob of unknown. It’s easy to drop labels and suspect everyone of potential harm. But as I said to one of my very young co-workers, we’re too young to fear each other…yet. In other words, we should check our second emotion.
If any of my rantings have amused or entertained you for even a millisecond of your lives, I consider that a victory. It is above all to give people a chuckle. So I would be honored if you stuck around for the next 1000. It’s been a privilege to have brain cells to write…anything. It seems we should not wait too long to share our thoughts before it’s too late.

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