Man...I really kill myself sometimes when I go shoot photos.
In terms of getting the "look" I want, it takes time. Time and a bit of luck with light. I look at a lot of photographers' work I admire and just...get sick. Because I wasn't able to accomplish something that wows the same way. No one judges me this way because...frankly, no one gives a shit about me or knows who I am. So I toil away in the dark for a tiny audience that responds or don't.
I do get a few questions about my style of shooting. I'm not sure how to respond. Not because I'm a pretentious shit-head, but because a more specific question would help.
I think for a lot of us in the creative field, we need to train ourselves not to compare in that way. We should find our own voices and do that one thing great. There are a ton of photographers out there that shoot circles around me. A lot of them much younger too. Which jealousy does rear its ugly head. I need to drop that shit. Focus on what I'm suppose to be doing.
In what creative endeavor you may come across, it's far better to find your own style and stick with it. We're so inundated with images on a daily basis, it takes one that stands out that is inherently you, that people understand. In the case of making movies or writing, it's that voice that stands out long after we're gone.
See, most of us chase others. I say, head off into a different direction.
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