Thursday, August 11, 2022

IMDB Sucks Ass

I did a review on IMDB on "Prey" First off, FUCK YOU, IMDB. The only reason you exist is to take the goodwill of people who work in the movie business. You are a parasite who lives off others. And information. OPEN information. And they took down my review. For what reason? I started the review with "Ask yourselves, if you weren't progressive would any of this movie make sense?" Some shaved head he/she probably thought this was too aggressive. Fucking idiots. It was a fair review of a spineless movie. Now, I could preface it with "well, look it's a movie" But since Disney+ and Hulu own this material, they didn't want to rock their boat. Therefore, this piece of shit garbage flick sits at a 7.2 rating. Sure. At some point these morons at these media pages are going to have to wise up that controlling people's tastes through censorship will backfire. There are other places people can go to express their viewpoint. In this case, this blogger site (which may be taken down as well). It's not so much they took it down, it's that it took them some time to do so. As if some person with an obvious agenda filtered it out as incendiary. Nope, it told the truth about the movie through my perspective. So they don't want dissenting voices. This is what fascism actually is. And though it seems petty that a stupid movie page does this, ask yourself why they felt the need to do it, if it wasn't that important. The paradox. Grow a fucking spine. I didn't swear in the review and I gave valid points. That wasn't good enough. And for those who think I shouldn't be making a big deal about it, I leave you with are probably the same person who sits there with no opinion about life and lacks passion in anything. Happy to stick your head into the sand. Hopefully you suffocate. We live to share knowledge and opinion. I read reviews from THE GENERAL PUBLIC, because a lot are entertaining and smart. To delete thought is to take that away. And what are you left with? Automatons. That's what they want. Think the same or reap the consequences. How fucking retarded.

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