Thursday, August 11, 2022

IMDB Sucks Ass

I did a review on IMDB on "Prey" First off, FUCK YOU, IMDB. The only reason you exist is to take the goodwill of people who work in the movie business. You are a parasite who lives off others. And information. OPEN information. And they took down my review. For what reason? I started the review with "Ask yourselves, if you weren't progressive would any of this movie make sense?" Some shaved head he/she probably thought this was too aggressive. Fucking idiots. It was a fair review of a spineless movie. Now, I could preface it with "well, look it's a movie" But since Disney+ and Hulu own this material, they didn't want to rock their boat. Therefore, this piece of shit garbage flick sits at a 7.2 rating. Sure. At some point these morons at these media pages are going to have to wise up that controlling people's tastes through censorship will backfire. There are other places people can go to express their viewpoint. In this case, this blogger site (which may be taken down as well). It's not so much they took it down, it's that it took them some time to do so. As if some person with an obvious agenda filtered it out as incendiary. Nope, it told the truth about the movie through my perspective. So they don't want dissenting voices. This is what fascism actually is. And though it seems petty that a stupid movie page does this, ask yourself why they felt the need to do it, if it wasn't that important. The paradox. Grow a fucking spine. I didn't swear in the review and I gave valid points. That wasn't good enough. And for those who think I shouldn't be making a big deal about it, I leave you with are probably the same person who sits there with no opinion about life and lacks passion in anything. Happy to stick your head into the sand. Hopefully you suffocate. We live to share knowledge and opinion. I read reviews from THE GENERAL PUBLIC, because a lot are entertaining and smart. To delete thought is to take that away. And what are you left with? Automatons. That's what they want. Think the same or reap the consequences. How fucking retarded.

Tuesday, August 9, 2022


So, 20th Century recently and quietly slipped by a "Predator" prequel called "Prey" Now streaming on Hulu and Disney+. I've not seen it but the back and forth of it being taking place 300 years ago and how a little Indian girl can kill a Predator (yah,'s not a spoiler here) with just the most basic of weapons. The concept is fantastic. Get back to the basics. Hunter vs. Hunter. Except it's a tiny girl who is, apparently peeved that she isn't taken seriously as a hunter. Now, the gripe from one side is that Hollywood is really stretching reality with a young girl taking down Predator thing. The other side just bashes on the people who can't get past that reality, instead know...defending the case that a tiny girl can defeat a Predator. You know what bugs me? In the trailer it has her cowering in fear and nearly taken out by a bear when she is saved by a Predator. Surely she would've died had the Predator not been there. Later, she kills the Predator. Yup. Eye roll. Good ol' tough gal Pocahontas, Mary Sue's her way onto the leaderboard. I also noticed that anyone who questions the reality of it bases it on how one side doesn't like women leads. That's stupid. Everyone loves Ellen Ripley. Or Sarah Connor. Or any horror movie with a final girl. But even those movies knew modern vs. modern is the answer. You dumbasses who think we don't like women leads are massively retarded dinks who are trying to look like a feminist so ugly women will bang you. Speaking of which, I heard the Predator likes to probe things. You can be...uh huh...The Prey.

Monday, August 8, 2022

Speaking Of Time...

...I do NOT forgive when it comes to squandering my time. The balls on some people. Had a friend who thought I was on her schedule. Cut her loose. I'm infinitely more important than her. That thought alone infuriates me that she even considered her life much more valuable when I did her a favor. These are the types you deal with in Hollywood. Lack of self-awareness substance abusers. And then the fallout from that was even more laughable. Statements like "you know when I say 20 minutes I take 40 minutes" Again, moron, I am NOT on your schedule. When I tell you to be somewhere at a certain time and you are late, you have no excuses. We are in Los Angeles, if you can't plan accordingly you will suffer at life. Wake the fuck up. My life is more important than yours if you ask any favor of me. I will continue to say that until it gets through your thick skull. If you are starting out, these are the dues you pay. You are the peon and run when you're told.

Your Time Is Not Important - Respect For Others Are

The thing with this business comes down to this: IF someone is doing you a favor, you are no longer on YOUR time you are on THEIR time. Get it through your thick fucking skull. And also check your ego. What irks me more than anything is when people take advantage of this. It goes like this...typically a hot girl will take forever to get ready. The longer they are late, the hotter they think they are. One day, those looks fade, and they will be left in the dark. Fitting. To me, I respect anyone's time. Especially if they are giving you their time. Anyone who does that is valuable beyond words. To many, they don't care. They will march at their own schedule. It is a poor way to go about life. And usually, they are losers at life. Listless without ambition. Or failures in grand ways. If you are to navigate life, you are to see others' time much more valuable to your own. Conversely, not allow others to continue to use you for it. For time is the only thing we have and MUCH more valuable than money. It is also a work ethic. Never be late. Consider others or learn life the hard way. You will lose many people in life this way.

Friday, August 5, 2022

Film Screenings

I hate them. Especially festivals. They are interminably boring. With vapid people who believe they have a future in this industry. Cynical? Yeah. They may find success in small doses. But, generally, it starts to sound like nails on a chalkboard when they start pitching you. The banal conversation is probably why this girl I'm seeing didn't want to go to MY screening. Yes...I got stood up. And it took me a while to process why. She ended up spending time with her friends that night. Which is fine. And you may be asking "if she cared about you, she would endure the crap of Hollywood" That is the problem. She doesn't care about me. Typical of this industry really. Personal relationships are a liability. She was a failed choreographer for music videos, commercials and so forth. Failure means you hate everyone who tries. I had thought the same. Which is why I dreaded the screening. I don't want to hear pitches, hopes or dreams. Instead, what she missed out on was...good vibes. NO ONE was there to shop their "vision" or talk shop. They were there to support. What she missed out on was people just being people. I get why she didn't show. But her disgust for the Hollywood schmoozers would've been in vain. Much like my own. Last night's screening was the schmoozers. This was probably more typical. Industry people make my stomach turn, to be honest. They speak in an odd language which only they can understand. After a while it would nauseate any human being.

Monday, August 1, 2022


Lately, the present idiot in the White House and his cronies can't bring themselves to announce that sweet sweet gay sex is the cause of monkeypox. Even though it's the next pandemic. Pretty simple to say "Stop gay'ing out, you homos" But they're too chicken. They felt great to say anyone who doesn't stay locked up will kill grandma. But God forbid you say, stop sucking D or banging butt so you don't spread this nasty disease. Let's be clear, as this idiot in the White House typically states... this affects gay folk. BUT, truth isn't their thing. It's control guised as goodwill towards any one who wants to act like fucking weirdos. Queer, gay and lesbos are not bad people. The fact that this admin wants to conceal ANY news to this means some may suffer. You can't tell gays not to do perverted shit as much as perverts. And yes, gays are fucking anomalies. Nature (remember science, you assfucks) meant for us to procreate as opposite sexes. Men cannot having fucking babies no matter what definition you choose. And seriously, you Lefty pukes, it's starting to annoy working class people. Because elitist upper middle class White bougie fucks are the ones who think they're doing something to seem "woke." Hidden behind the security of funded police. Fucking pukes. Most of them should be thrown into the barrio to cure their stupidity about human nature. May discover fear. Oh wait, White rich folk fear is that Whole Foods doesn't carry their favorite salsa. Fucking assholes. TELL THE TRUTH. Homos...stop homo'ing out. Done deal.