Wednesday, May 25, 2022

The Shooting In Texas

I'm sure by now you have gotten the details of the murder of 19 children. Children. That word just echoes in my head. That there are elementary aged people that won't have birthdays any more. The teen who caused immeasurable pain to the community and to their parents sickens me. I mean, last night I stayed up late at night wondering what we did wrong. And I can probably say...once again, my generation failed this world. Too many of my parental peers want to be friends with their kids and not parents. As I was growing up, parents wanted to be adults. And they didn't use terms such as "adulting" to do what you were suppose to do (as Chris Rock had in his bit about being a parent). We are a vain, narcissistic community now that values what body part we show on social media to get attention rather than just existing to raise children. We present our lives on so many visual mediums we ignore the people who need the most attention. I am not giving the shooter and out, but rather saying that he was raised by a grandmother. And not a father. Discipline is a real thing. And yet, none of us want to be presented to the public as having this level of...structure. Because structure "'aint cool" Yes, I blame my gneration because we had that attitude. I have that attitude with younger adults that makes me part of the problem. If we are to point fingers, we do need to look at ourselves for placating poor behavior and not calling it out when we see it. This new society values not punishing bad behavior. George Floyd needs to be called out as a meth'd out loser. Black Lives Matter need to be called out as frauds. Illegal immigration is a crime. The longer we pretend or use this as a way to embolden shitty behavior, the more this will be an issue. The motivation of anger towards small children will never compute with me. Especially lower-income Hispanic kids who were on their way to become second generation Americans. Out of the 19, I am certain one would've become special to society. Versus this asshole who ended their existence. So yes, this has made me so tired. And if we don't address mental illness and gun ownership, there will be another incident. It really gets to me when people say "this will happen again" the LAST time this happened. Like the man who shot up a Buffalo grocery store. It is a sickening feeling. And as a whole society we should not tolerate it again.

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