Thursday, June 24, 2021

To Vaccinate Or Not To Vaccinate...That Is The Question

 Hey dummies, this wasn't FDA approved.

Know what else?

Pretty soon you'll have another identification card in your wallet. One that says you got a vaccination and will have to provide proof to do anything. Remember when America was free? This is how they get you.

So let me get this fucking clear, you don't need to show an I.D. to vote but you need one to exist. Where were all you morons who thought people shouldn't need an I.D. to vote.

Why do people fight having an I.D. to vote? Wait, I shall backtrack...Why do Lefties not want I.D. to vote? Because of all the illegal voting. Duh.

So now what happened to "my body, my choice?" Oh right, now that you feel threatened or scared or whatever fucking pansy shit it is this week, you change your mind.

Hey nitwits, THIS is the future you wanted. A little short-sighted wouldn't you say? Because you stupid fucking Lefties are reactionary. Meaning you only enact when it effects you. Though you pretend like you care about society.

For fuck's sake, grow a fucking brain. People should be allowed to do whatever the fuck they want, without hurting anyone directly. Want to change the health of society? Crack down on the inner city. Save many more lives than the totalitarian Lefty mindset of " you will bend to my will"

Fuck outta here.

IF you feel like you need to live in fear for the rest of your life (for something as low as 99.98% survival...remember statistics, ya' fucks...of course not, you Lefty idiots still believe Biden won the's laughable when you consider the odds. Less than you winning lottery...proof), then you deserve to live in darkness. Let the rest of society move forward (as I've said from the start).

We've turned into a society of old fucking White women. Worried about our own shadows.

Now garbage pit fuckface-Book bans all those who call Biden a fraud AND that the vaccine is bullshit. Yep, a platform to which a lot of morons get "news" is now also burying facts and truth. You should be VERY worried. If you were put in their pissy ass jail, say it with me...Zuckerberg can suck a big fat cock.

Also, the fuck is Jew Zuckerberg running smoke screen for the Left now. Hey, dummy...the Left hate Jews. Didn't get that memo in Facebook? Yeah, because one of your censors blocked that information.

Jesus, media sucks big time. Fuck them.

Dump them.

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