Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Losing Friends On Social Media

 When people find out that I have conservative values or I question the Left, I lose people. Most of my old classmates to be honest. I grew up with a few of them.

Folks....White privileged people.

So it got me thinking about who are really the Leftist here.

They are privileged White people. People who have time on their hands to be upset about things. To worry about injustices (perceived) to watch glistening beautiful rich CNN or MSNBC. Because those are "hip" people. And they just want to be liked at this point

The bourgeoise Left is made up of middle and upper middle classed White people. So you know they have your Brown and Black interest at heart (sarcasm).

No, the really don't. They want to feel better about their stance that they weren't given privilege. Most White folk have to confess that being White is a privilege. Which I laugh at, because...it changes nothing.

Seriously, you actually do nothing for society. Because the world doesn't give a flying fuck if you profess that White people are the devil. They're still treating you differently as they do Black or Brown people.

Can that change?

It has. What people DO NOT gather is that it is a PRIVILEGE to be AMERICAN. Fuck you, Europe. And your fucking finger wagging. America kicked your fucking ass so you don't dictate the rules. Also, have you ever had a Brown or Black Prime Minister? Fuck no. And you have thousands of years ahead of us. Real progressive, fuckers. So, you don't get to judge America. Also, you idiots still believe in Kings and Queens. That's homo shit.

So yeah, when I make observations such as these, I lose connections. Because it's honest. And no one can face reality. Here's an idea, you woke-ass White privileged person...ever ask me why I fucking hate your guts? Nope, instead...it's just unfollow and move on with your privileged life. The minute you hear contradictory information from your own, you cry "racism, sexism, ageism..." and so forth.


So now that media has taken the stance (owned by privileged White people) all you do is conceal your contempt for the Brown and Black person. Has it occurred to any of you that you can't just announce that you want more inclusivity with people of color. To people with any dignity it's "we're throwing you a bone" Which is why when I see (browner) Asians taking this fish, I pity them. No, idiots, you're still in THEIR system.

The trick is to do things for yourself, build your own community THEN integrate. America isn't a culture. It's not Black movies or Asian movies or Mexican movies...it's American experience movies. And yeah, a LOT of that touches on race relations. That's it. Nothing else.

The best part about the film "Alien" (1979) was that all the cast members weren't written as Black, White, Hispanic or Woman. It was just written as names.

In space, we are equal.

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