Saturday, November 14, 2020


 Democrats are thick headed. I mean REALLY thick headed.

They don't even know why or what they are stubborn about. BUT, I suppose if you listen to this argument, you could go nuts.

Me: Biden isn't President of the United States but he's doing President shit

Dem: He's projected to be President, why is Trump holding things up?

Me: It's a legal process. Biden is NOT President of the United States

Dem: Trump is delaying what is already projected.

Me: Media projects things it DOES'T NOT confirm. Not one state has confirmed Biden.

Dem: He's delaying the process.

Me: It is his LEGAL right.

If I could reach through the phone and shake this idiot.

People, THIS is how you get a media coup of 1st world nation leader. The press apparently decides who is President and you better bend and bow or you will suffer. The dems are keeping a list of all those who haven't. And if this gets turned around, the terrorist will riot. There is probably a reason why Trump let go of the head of the Department of Defense. Most likely, when the LAW sides with the law, they will throw a tantrum.

Do you know what these assholes sound like? Assholes.

Put me in that fucking list. I don't give a fuck.

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