Friday, November 27, 2020

Shoot To Kill


Don't let people tell you you can't film anything.

Yes, be very vigilant when it comes to health considerations. An elderly person is going to be susceptible to ANY airborne issues.

But also, continue to make films. In fact, make them about your lockdown scenarios. This is primetime to get out there with friends.

And here is the crazy part, although I despise dumbass governor of California Gavin Newsom, he has not shut down production. In fact, because of his obvious corrupted stupidity, he allows films to continue to be shot. You know the places that have 12 hour days in close quarters?

He can explain that away any way he wants. Like his tap dancing when he was caught partying with health officials there in the Napa Valley. But, that means you can get out there and do your thing.

So go do it!

Monday, November 23, 2020

Thanksgiving Week

 Greetings all you turkey eating Americans.

Hopefully you will ignore idiot governor Gavin Newsom's stupid lockdowns on Thanksgiving. The shitbag ignores his own rules. So he can go fuck himself.

For me, I don't listen the asshole BUT, I got to sleep early anyway. Apparently there is a 10pm curfew. I hope you all break his rule. He can't mandate freedom. And for those who think this logical...follow the science.

IF you are under the age of will survive Covid. Odds are in your favor. You have a better chance winning the lottery than dying from it. Also, how accurate are these results anyway? One day you are negative, the next positive. Are these tests even worth taking?

Sure, if it calms you down. Which it does. To an extent. At first you are happy you don't have Covid. But then you wonder what the Hell you really are suffering from. I have chronic fatigue syndrome. So there's that. But no one should be FORCED to stay home. Certainly shouldn't snitch on your neighbors if they don't. That's Nazi shit. The shit the Left want.

Here's the deal. IF you feel scared about the pandemic. Stay home. It is within your rights. If you don't, then enjoy life. Also, with businesses...let them decide. They need to waive liability though. Which means, the virus will spread to people, and it's going to suck worse than the flu, but that's your choice. If, for example, going to the arcade freaks me out...guess where I won't go? Doesn't mean you bankrupt small businesses.

If you believe in science, then you have to believe in statistics, and not implement totalitarian rules.

Because, fuck why.

Saturday, November 14, 2020


 Democrats are thick headed. I mean REALLY thick headed.

They don't even know why or what they are stubborn about. BUT, I suppose if you listen to this argument, you could go nuts.

Me: Biden isn't President of the United States but he's doing President shit

Dem: He's projected to be President, why is Trump holding things up?

Me: It's a legal process. Biden is NOT President of the United States

Dem: Trump is delaying what is already projected.

Me: Media projects things it DOES'T NOT confirm. Not one state has confirmed Biden.

Dem: He's delaying the process.

Me: It is his LEGAL right.

If I could reach through the phone and shake this idiot.

People, THIS is how you get a media coup of 1st world nation leader. The press apparently decides who is President and you better bend and bow or you will suffer. The dems are keeping a list of all those who haven't. And if this gets turned around, the terrorist will riot. There is probably a reason why Trump let go of the head of the Department of Defense. Most likely, when the LAW sides with the law, they will throw a tantrum.

Do you know what these assholes sound like? Assholes.

Put me in that fucking list. I don't give a fuck.

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Who is Alex Trebek?

 Mr. Trebek has been a staple of gameshow for decades and has done the world of service in terms of presenting trivia. I gained so much useless knowledge through his show, and was HIS show because of it. I use the term "useless" as it had no particular function in my life other than to lord it over people. My oldest sister loves this type of knowledge.

But I loved Alex Trebek. The name itself became a brand, and if you leave a legacy like that, you deserve a place in heaven.

The thing about the show "Jeopardy" is that nothing really changed in it's entire run. They were answers that you formed into questions. I recall a Commodore 64 game with that, and an electronic voice of Alex Trebek saying you win or lose or whatever. Man that was fun. Except you had to type in the answer EXACTLY correct. The A.I. knew to mix it up. But we found a workaround when the questions popped up again. This was an amazing way to get encyclopedic if you couldn't afford the books (yes, back then they costs a TON).

This is most definitely the end of an era.

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Did Trump Lose?

 Oh boy people are mad.

They have reason to be pissed, since I can't imagine anyone voting for Biden. Oh wait, my sister did. Which is her choice. HOWEVER, it was for dumb reasons. And in America, you are entitled to be an idiot. Most people think voting for Trump was the same thing. To me, I actually looked at everything, weighed all the facts and realized Joe Biden, having been a two time Presidential loser and 47 years of never being right on domestic or international policy should've been the continual story.

But Trump being Trump says and does dumb things. Stubborn German, I suppose. I know someone like that. And is proud to be stubborn. Concrete headed people are most aggravating.

Am I stubborn? Of course, I still shoot on motion picture film! I guess we can all justify anything.

Biden is a wimp though, and that shit pisses me off. Because America should be seen as powerful and aggressive. The Left are pussies. They burn, loot and riot against people who are good. And that is picking on the small person. A person who just wants peace and quiet.

I applaud all who have supported the side of calm and solitude. If Biden wins, I consider it a win to terrorists. The new norm would be that if you don't get your way, you throw a tantrum and hurt people to get it. A bad bad message.

But even if he wins, what the Democrats have discovered is that the Right still control the Senate and added seats to the House. This is REALLY disturbing for the Left because they better figure out this one thing... stop with the identity politics. Calling people "racists" didn't work. Nor is pretending you care about Black lives. Record Black voters voted for Trump. That means they hate your plantation mentality.

Also, my Hollywood friends, stop being obnoxious about your "voice" Artists are incredibly annoying. All I saw from my filmmaking Lefty friends are how Trump is bad and all this other propaganda. None gave any remote thought to what he has done. Because they aren't adults. People who work in Hollywood are perpetual children. Temper tantrum children. Grow the fuck up. America is awesome and isn't systemically racist. There are bigoted people. I've experienced it. They're far and few between. The thought that Biden became Prez will fuel the real racists to come out. This is fact.

Anyway. Nothing is lost. The Left are really useless. They don't get shit done and, for those who support the Republicans, you can be happy about that.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

My Lefty Friends

Election daaaaaaaay
Did you vote?
Did you vote?
Did you vote?
People are irritating.
People want to live life and not be harassed to vote.
But hopefully you did and kept your trap over it.

Lefties are desperately wanting you to vote because they want you to vote for their dude and dudette.
They have no clue that what you do is that they vote against you.
I did.
The Lefties I know are obnoxious whiners and losers. Most left L.A. because they couldn't cut it here. COMMON SENSE tells you that Lefties turned on you.
That makes you a dummy first.
So I love to fuck with them.
By voting against them.
I had one dude ask me how I could vote for Trump because he doesn't want me here.
Have you ever heard anything more racist than that?
I didn't say bigoted. I said racist. Because this idiot doesn't even know that's racist.
Because these are who they are.