Thursday, March 26, 2020


What changed two months ago that now has the Earth on high alert?
A few months ago, most of us single guys were just wondering where we can get our next slice. Or preparing for our lives. For me, it was dodging idiots on the road who drive like nutjob. I was already at high alert due to my car accident. Boy, did that suck.
So now we're being told that EVERYONE needs to be on high alert.
I'm not saying the concern isn't warranted, but I have noticed the more we focused on it, the more real it got. There is probably going to be stories soon that will draw light to the fact that if we see what we want to see, it is all we will see. In other words, fear laser beams our focus onto that fear.
I've stopped reading Yahoo news. The people who write for them aren't very good anyway. And the powers that run it are unscrupulous fuckers. This fear has generated looks to their site that give them revenue. Fear is linked to this. They know the psychology of it. They should be publicly flogged for the panic they've induced.
Again, it isn't to say that it ISN'T warranted, HOWEVER, attention grabbing headlines with a virus death count on it creates this. And they know.
Had they done this with previous viruses, I'm sure we'd be at panic level as well. "Chicken Pox Watch" and the like. For whatever reason, this has not hit the mark of the seasonal flu BUT news also finds anecdotal cases where the ill were older or younger or whatever creates the most fear when being challenged. It's almost like the press reads the public opinion and adjusts it's fear level. Again, remember what it was like months ago (supposedly when this started).
Were you afraid of the virus? Are you now? What stories have you been reading that created MORE fear or anxiety. If you had any previous illnesses, does this come into play? Will tragedy strike your family? All this is used to control your thoughts.
I wonder if the stories generated were about all the lengths the medical profession are going through to save people. The stories I read now are how unprepared we are (fear). And it's obviously making me buy into it. But is it real?
What exactly were those feelings months ago? Before the media told us we'll have to live our lives differently from this point on. For most people, they became selfish hoarders.
Humanity failed in the media's test to see what happens in a toxic fishbowl. We became the wasteland, foraging for resources.

If I were you, I'd read less and less sensationalized Yahoo news. They are painfully (and unfortunately monopolized) ill equipped for the concept of hope. When they could've reported what things are being done right, they chose to report the disaster this could be.
Be well everyone.

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