Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Dull And Lifeless Directors

There is a co-worker of mine who wants to direct movies. He reminds me very much of the guy who trained me at my job now. They're both technically proficient to a level of mad scientist genius but seem to lack social nuances to be interesting. I suspect they each want to get into making movies to get girls that treated them like shit in high school to trip over themselves at their feet. Most of us do.

He's made three features, none of them I've been invited to see. Though I know he's made them because I've seen clips and he has no reason to lie to me. They're really...stiff projects. He lacks the free flow that is required of movies I prefer watching. I can also tell much of it is a chore and his stories aren't very interesting.

I think, much like a LOT of technically proficient people, he lacks...spirit. Spirit in filmmaking is the love of cinema. I suspect he likes to dissect them into its base and...well, there goes the fun. I have a friend who is against "tastes." I think this is an inkling of what I think he means. Most people who think they have taste REALLY mean they are discerning with their precious time and that type of snobbery of not seeing the good come from schlock is a detriment to anyone who wants to tell stories. There is a value to most everything.

I staunchly disagree with this co-worker's way of working. Which is probably closer to how the studios work. Though he is (obviously an independent). The guy hasn't bent to the realities of his paycheck and his films may reflect that. Studio movies to me means you can't experiment haphazardly. More times than not, filmmaking is a reckless endeavor, and the person behind the camera is more a stylist than a storyteller. I have these filmmaking friends who've attached not the correct lens on a camera which cause about half of their shots to be out of focus, the other half have horrific vignetting. I've reminded them multiple times, but it hasn't stopped them.
Because, truth be told, I'd rather be a compromise between that and some technical proficiencies rather than choke the fun out of filmmaking. WAY too many technicians today (due to the digital era) than filmmakers. They count on the wrong things to make their movie.
And to be fair, I think my way of making a film isn't for everyone either. If I were to say, I do enjoy my approach better than stressing over dumb minutiae.

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